The number of recipes also include private recipes.

548 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Biscuit (Inawera) 147302
Shisha Strawberry (Inawera) 85400
Cactus (Kaktus) (Inawera) 66697
Shisha Vanilla (Inawera) 55784
Raspberry (Malina) (Inawera) 43340
Custard (Inawera) 27104
Yes, We Cheesecake (Inawera) 21142
Pineapple (Inawera) 12535
Grapes (Inawera) 12538
Creme Brulee (YC) (Inawera) 11367
Cherries (Inawera) 8126
Blackcurrant (Inawera) 7662
Two Apples (Inawera) 7498
Shisha Raspberry (Inawera) 6827
Peach (Inawera) 6655
Tobacco, DNB (Dirty Neutral Base) (Inawera) 6572
Lime (Inawera) 6247
Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) (Inawera) 6206
Milk Chocolate (Old Formula) (Inawera) 5877
Pear (Inawera) 5590
Lemon (Inawera) 5022
Strawberry (Inawera) 4894
Eucalyptus with Mint (Inawera) 4663
Marzipan (Inawera) 4649
Mango (Inawera) 4510

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