The number of recipes also include private recipes.

114073 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Sweet Cream (Chemnovatic) 165
Mango (PF) 22
Amaretto 54
menthal 61
Cinnamon Roll (ooo) 176
Honey (FE) 2
Churro (Rainbowvapes Intense) 9
Dulce de Leche Raw (VSO) 26
Ice Cream Concentrate TR 129
Sherbinator Flavor Boost (VW) 3
Highland Cream Barrel (WFS) 40
Caramel delight (HCL) 30
Rum 1/2 (BF) 18
Charger (vampire vape) 15
Erdbeere ELM 1
blue colouring 29
Tart (DIY) 9
High Noon (Korsvang) 0
Unami Revolute High End 1
Cream Blend 1 (ooo) 53
Strawberry Kiwi (TBV) 10
Wood* (Invalid Name or Unknown Brand) 139
Yoghurt (CCW) 4
muuhnuts 0

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