Man your killing it I wish I had your imagination, but anyway is this one good as a shake and vape cause it looks good and I don't know if I will be able to make it last 2 weeks. Great job on these recipes I have mixed about a third of them. And if you don't mind take a peek at my flavor stash and give me some ideas I think I'm having the equivalent of writers block (mixing block).
Oh for sure when I get some time after work I'll help you out! Unfortunately this is not a great s and v due to the acetyl pyrazine in the mix and in the leprechaun flavoring needs roughly two weeks ☹️ It is vapable but IDK lol up to you tony!
You are very right more Oates at first was also contemplating adding tfa marshmallow at1 ./. To give even more marshmallow! Thx ffrank appreciate your feedback!
Good stuff GR! Im in the middle of a serious cereal kick. I only made this yestrday and its tasty already, gonna have to make a bigger bottle so i can get some steeping in! Heh. Thanks for sharing the creations