Blueberry Cream 

Gravatar - by Jubei007, Jul 30. 2015, 01:00


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Had 'Acetoin free' in the original description, but removed as Cap v1 flavors has the chemical in it. (Which I did not know) Trying to make Acetyl Propionyl, Acetoin and diketone free juice.

This is a simple and easy juice to make, wanted an ADV.

Add 2 drops per mL of 4% saline solution.

1 week steep minimum.

Using Nude Nicotine and a modified Kanger Mini tank.

I am diluting the mixture with 1% DI Water b/c the tank heats up the juice which reduces moisture, so when it is close to empty, the juice is a bit too thick.

Adapted from this recipe

#1 by Bongo, Aug 2. 2015, 22:04
Just a heads up but I'm pretty sure that (CAP) custard v1 contains Acetoin and/or Acetyl Propionyl. The graham cracker v1 does too. I don't know why capella seems to avoid the warning labels on here.
#2 by Jubei007, Aug 4. 2015, 03:04
Hey Bongo, thanks for the info, I did not realize that the CAP flavoring had the stuff. I'm new to DIY and assumed that this site marked all of the flavorings with the black marker indicating that it has Acetoin or Acetyl, etc...

Please add suggestions to make this Acetoin free if you can.
#3 by Yoshi86, Aug 5. 2015, 03:45
Hey Bongo get the V2 that's what I do I won't even buy the V1 when ever you see (Cap) with V1 at the end most likely there is a V2 without that stuff
#4 by Bongo, Aug 6. 2015, 22:43
Hi Jubei007, if you want replacements, you could just use v2 of both the custard and the graham cracker but they won't be the same, although probably good still.

you can use this list of diketone free flavours from capella

if you want to make sure for the flavour apprentice and flavour west then you can find out on their website because a few go under the radar on here
#5 by Bongo, Aug 6. 2015, 22:48
Hi Yoshi 86, I already do use v2 or something different if it's a good alternative but there's one or two that I still use. custard v1 from capella is pretty hard to beat. and you're right, if a v2 exists then v1 will always contain Acetoin and/or Acetyl Propionyl.
#6 by Yoshi86, Aug 6. 2015, 23:41
Hey Bongo I never tried the V1 custard because of that but sorry for the info it was ment for Jubei007 he asked but now u have me wanting to try the V1 but I try to avoid that stuff
#7 by Jubei007, Aug 7. 2015, 02:41
Thanks for the info guys, I want to stay away from as much chemicals that I can because I cycle quite a bit every week. I do not want to fill up my lungs w/any excess chemicals...

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