Looks great, Cam. I just got the RY8 but am missing some of your other flavors. However, this is enough to give me an idea of how I'd like to use it. Thx for the share, there aren't too many mixes with RY8.
Funny thing, I've been vaping the RY8 and suddenly my brain signaled something like bourbon so I checked back on your recipe and sure enough you've got ABC (SC) (WF) which was what I had in mind. The two flavors I don't have are Go Nutz and Cohiba. I'm thinking of trying Nut Mix (FA) but maybe you can recommend a tobacco sub for the Cohiba. I have no idea what it tastes like but I have a gazillion tobacco flavors on hand.
Cam, I discovered that Maxx Blend (SC) aka (FE) has similar qualities as Cohiba. Since I have Max Blend I'll try it in my next batch. I'm about ready to vape my first mix, gave it a good steep, imo. See Kinnikinnick's notes: e-liquid-recipes.com/flavor/62992
Great recipe, awesome flavor - anyone who mixes this recipe will love it and thats my honest opinion. It is an enjoyable recipe regardless of past tobacco preference - but if you're reading this far youre likely more than a casual RY4 Double lover. I ttied to enhance this recipe with StixxMixx Whiskey Cavendish but ultimately returned to mix your original,its virtually perfect (but ialso didn't have that specific Mom & Pop nut flavor). Thanks for the suggestions for substitute ingredient and also thanks for sharing this gem with the rest of us