Lucky charms
- by Codeman, Jan 28. 2016, 22:46
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:
Rounding to whole numbers. Making on 1-22-16
Tasted on 1-28-2016. Taste Great. Not spot on but damn good.
Need toCut the vanillan out and bring up the Mallow and Milk by .5%
Tasted again on 2-3-16. Flovor is a dry cereal taste. Need to up the milk and the marshmallow
4/11/16 bav cream 2%,dairy 4%, marsh 5% Sweet cream 2% cereal same % cut out the vanilla
4/14/16 vaped and really creamy, no cereal note yet might need to cut back on creams and/or add more cereal
4/17/16 cereal note coming out, not to strong yet.. Tasting nice and creamy
Adapted from this recipe
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