The number of recipes also include private recipes.

187 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Almond (Premium) (MF) 84
Almond (Silver) (MF) 1
Anise (MF) 20
Apple, Red (Silver) (MF) 0
Apricot (MF) 20
Apricot (Silver) (MF) 0
Banana (Premium) (MF) 685
Banana (Silver) (MF) 24
Bergamot (MF) 10
Bergamot (MF) Diluted 27
Bergamot (Silver) (MF) 0
Black Cherry (Diluted) (MF) 20
Black Cherry (MF) 2
Black Cherry (Premium) (MF) 202
Black Cherry (Silver) (MF) 4
Black Currant (Diluted) (MF) 13
Black Currant (Premium) (MF) 90
Black Tea (MF) 26
Blackberry (MF) 201
Blackberry Vanilla Cobbler (MF) 12
Blackberry Vanilla Cobbler (Premium) (MF) 1
Blueberry (Diluted) (MF) 28
Blueberry (MF) 1642
Blueberry (Silver) (MF) 46
Bulgarian Rose (MF) 71

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