The number of recipes also include private recipes.

14 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Oatmeal Cookie 1
Oatmeal Cookie (Arcanum) 4
Oatmeal Cookie (FA) 89
Oatmeal cookie (FJ) 1
Oatmeal Cookie (Flavour Junkie) 1
Oatmeal Cookie (One Pound Vaping Co) 3
Oatmeal Cookie (SB Flavors) 6
Oatmeal Cookie (SC) (Real Flavors) 1044
Oatmeal Cookie (Stockmeier) 3
Oatmeal Cookie (TPA) 5187
Oatmeal Cookie (VG) (Real Flavors) 101
Oatmeal Cookie 0.7% 0
oatmeal cookie cv 2
oatmeal cookie ide 1

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