Bound by the crown (Clone v1) 

Gravatar - by Kalle, Apr 1. 2015, 09:50


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Spice of choise!

Pumpkin pie spice is to be used sparingly, 3 drops per 10ml max.
If you can taste the Pumpkin pie spice clearly, you used to much. Start over and use less. It is not the perfect match but close enough for the ones that want something quick.

Cinnamon and cloves can also be infused in pg and the essence added in small quantities as an alternative to Pumpkin pie spice.

I have not figured out yet how to replicate the spice 100%, share your finds in the comments.

Stone fruits!

Even though the description of the original juice clearly states stone fruit in plural i have tried peach in the mix with unfortunate results. I am confident that the only stone fruit in there is Apricot.

Shake well, steep for a week.

#1 by shawn, Apr 7. 2015, 01:52
why the pumpkin spice reference if there is no pumpkin spice in the recipe??
#2 by jorgejunior, Jul 7. 2015, 23:50
kalle i have one original bound by the crown at home and i love this juice. I've tried this recipe with two versions. one without the spice and the other with. I feel there's something missing here. Perhaps peanut butter or butterscotch, i believe this recipe it's not quite the same as the original one, but it's something! Have you made improvements on this?
vape On!
#3 by Kalle, Jul 8. 2015, 01:23
Im pretty sure that what is missing is a base. Graham cracker crust would be a good place to start there. I also taste hints of banana but that is probably just my imagination.
#4 by jorgejunior, Jul 14. 2015, 00:09
Hey Kalle, i've added 2% of graham cracker TPA (black). So 5% apricot CAP, 10% vanilla custard TPA, 2% graham cracker TPA and 0.3% pumpkin pie spice CAP. The steep always has 5 days, i shold wait a month minimum steeping.
#5 by Kalle, Jul 14. 2015, 00:17
Looking forward to hear what you think of it! If its good! Make a V2 recip and take cred!
#6 by IAmSupernova, Sep 16. 2015, 11:37
Try half and half pumpkin spice half holiday spice. I've been looking for a clone on this and every single place just says custard and apricot but it definitely has a zing neither would provide. I haven't steeped it yet, but tasted to see if that was close to the zing. From my memory it is close. I'm also gonna try with just clove. I also added a single drop of AP for good measure.

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