Black Phillip - A Smoked Vanilla Custard with a Hint of Tobacco 

Gravatar - by RuntDastardly, Jun 2. 2017, 00:49


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

"Wouldst thou like to live deliciously...?"

It's June 1st, and nobody wants a custard right now, but, seriously, mix up a big bottle of this immediately and put it away. Plan for your future.

(No milk frother, no heat, no ultrasonic, blah, blah, blah. Just shake the hell out of it, or into it, in this case, and hide it from yourself.)

When you break it out some chilly autumn night, 5 or 6 months from now, you will go insane with delight.


Cap Vanilla Custard + INW Custard + INW Creme Brulee = My Current Custardstone.
These ratios are more or less my favorite, though if I'm topping this custard with fruit, I normally start the CAP VC at 4%. However, 5% is perfect here, because it really stands up against the smoke notes, and makes the whole experience more... rapturously rich.

Even if you're nervous about tobaccos, do not omit the INW Black for Pipe, please! It keeps the “smokiness” of the recipe from being too one-note, and adds this really bewitching, dark complexity to the vanilla. This is not a tobacco recipe, but it needs the mystery that INW Back for Pipe brings. FA Black Fire bumps up that pagan bonfire note, and DIYFS's Holy Vanilla has never tasted so unholy. It's as sweet as the devil whispering in your ear.

I'd like to say this recipe has no culinary reference, but one night, about 3 days after I mixed it, I happened upon what turned out to be my favorite episode of “A Cook's Tour” on Netflix.

If you've never seen “A Cook's Tour”, I can't say that I actually recommend it. The production values are horrible, especially in light of Bourdain's other shows like “No Reservations” or the masterfully shot and edited “Parts Unknown”.

Still, food shows are my heroin, and a major source of cooking/mixing inspiration, so even though I found “A Cook's Tour” mostly hard to watch, Season 1 Episode 18 “The French Laundry Experience” is an absolute gem, and is so friggin' hot it pretty much qualifies as porn for me.

Specifically, at one point during the dessert orgy at French Laundry, Thomas Keller serves Anthony Bourdain a tobacco leaf and coffee custard as a sort of cheeky homage to the bad-boy chef, reducing him to a giggling, blushing schoolgirl. It was the first of a few ah-ha! moments for me, because I felt like my desire to include tobacco in a custard recipe wasn't so weird after all. It also made me think that adding a tiny bit of coffee flavoring might be a nice touch in future iterations.

The next ah-ha! moment came when, after 40 days of struggling with my impatience, I cracked open my batch of Black Phillip that I swore I wouldn't touch for at least 2 months, and tested it. Turns out that one wildcard ingredient that might not work, the Inawera Classic Black for Pipe, was right at home in that dark, smoky whirl of decadent custard fog. It definitely wasn't “ready” yet, but it hinted at some unusual and intriguing things to come.

It's now been steeping for about 50 days, and I've already decided I'm immediately mixing 2 more 60ml batches, at least one of which I hope to steep long term, like 3 months minimum, but ideally until late October, early November, when the smoky, lightly sweet complexity should shine like a beacon against a chilly autumn night.

Oh, and another thing, this recipe is a madman with a cup of coffee in the morning.

#1 by nicomanteno, Jun 2. 2017, 01:54
Runt, ever since I tried bedrocks, I knew you were one of the few to post good shit here, Can't wait to try this, yes another flavor order for the Black for pipe, (Don't know why I have not gotten this out of 450 flavors yet) but need to re-up on a few others anyway, that will be in the cart too. This looks great and worth the wait. Thanks, will post back in a few months to give you some praise for this.
#2 by Silhouette , Jun 2. 2017, 04:20
Runt, you sexy evil flavor genius.....
#3 by RuntDastardly, Jun 2. 2017, 04:47
@nicomanteno: Thank you! I'm so glad you liked Bedrocket! And I really *hope* you'll like this one. It couldn't be more different. Where Bedrocket is for the kid in you, this one's definitely for your inner Nick Cave. You'll definitely be glad you picked up INW Black for Pipe, though. Really good on it's own at 3%.
#4 by RuntDastardly, Jun 2. 2017, 04:48
@Amberina: *blushing intensifies*
#5 by Trevorxgage, Jun 2. 2017, 16:03
Holy Shit this looks good. There is never a bad time for a solid tobacco and I LOVE black for pipe. I'm missing a few other flavors, but I'll grab them my next order for this one.
#6 by RuntDastardly, Jun 6. 2017, 01:12
@Trevorxgage: Thanks! I'm really enjoying this one, so I hope you do too, though I wouldn't really call it a tobacco recipe. Definitely a custard first, but, you can definitely taste that Black for Pipe. And, yeah, that's a damn good flavor. Easily one of my top 10 favorites now. I have a hard time not putting it in everything lately!
#7 by Silhouette , Jun 6. 2017, 01:26
Runt, it's crazy that the day you put this up, earlier that morning I put FA Black Fire in my wishlist because I've wanted to try it for so long, the recipe was the kick I needed to finally just buy it.
#8 by RuntDastardly, Jun 7. 2017, 03:27
@Silhouette: You are going to be SO glad you got that flavor! It opens up so many interesting possibilities. That said, I hope you like Black Phillip! I'm already nervous about how far in the background the smoke goes, but, like, not enough for me to feel bad about it? This is a confusing recipe for sure.
#9 by Silhouette , Jun 8. 2017, 05:41
Runt, I really think you should go for the Bull City submit a recipe thing.
#10 by Andre, Jun 17. 2017, 10:23
We do not have Holy Vanilla (DIYFS) down here unfortunately. Subbed with the 3 FA Vanillas in equal measure? Added 0.5 % MF Coffee for the full orgy - hope that is not too over the top?

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