Slimy Man Yogurt 

Gravatar - by discchord, Jun 20. 2015, 22:17


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Dragon Fruit and EM/Cotton Candy (TFA) are both 1 drop per 10mL.

This is a delicately complex flavor. The Dragon Fruit may seem like a negligible amount, but it is crucial. Don't even bother trying to make this without it (I did, it was so bland.) The extra layers of sweet and tart in here combine to form excellent tongue excitement!

This is good fresh, but I feel it improves after 1-3 days of steeping. It shouldn't need more than 3 days to reach a nice full flavor.

So as not to lure children into vaping I wanted to repulse them by naming it something gross, like slimy, and indicate that this is a manly adult yogurt. Hence my FDA approved name: Slimy Man Yogurt!

Yogurt base (Sweet Cream 4%, Vanilla Swirl 3%) was suggested by /u/skiddlzninja.

#1 by dom1nga, Feb 22. 2017, 04:22
thanks for sharing this. IMO it tastes better compared to lot of higher rated recipes.
#2 by Vectïon, Jul 29. 2017, 07:08
This looks interesting. I'm gonna save it so I can check it out after I finish moving. Thanks for the share👍🏻
#3 by Eluciv, Jan 26. 2019, 00:13
Broooo this stuff is amazing made 30ml for a start now I've made 500ml since. My Mrs loves It! Chur
#4 by boomboy, Jun 24. 2019, 19:34
Absolute genius... and it is simply amazing bro ... thank you :)

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