if you like tfa brown sugar, jf dulce de leche is supposed to be a much better version. Won't give a burnt taste above 1%. Not really a dulce de leche taste but a good brown sugar is very useful. at least for me anyway.
I admit I do add a little sweetener. I go easy on it cause I don't like rewicking all the time but do have a bit of a sweet tooth. Keeps me off the stinkies so I'm ok with it.
right on, when I first started getting into flavors I lost like 20 pounds because I was getting my sweet tooth satisfied from vaping instead of eating.
Hi, Dan, mixed a taster with SSA dulce de leche (don't have TPA) and it is not bad at all! Going to make 100ml more later today. But why "Ugly Dress"?
5 stars
Thank you kamanza that is very cool. I don't quite remember why I named it ugly dress other than the fact that I wish I could make cool recipe names like some of y'all. lol, As you can see, I am not very good at it!!