Cinapple Fritter [DIYorDIE: returnity] 

Gravatar - by returnity, Sep 6. 2015, 00:48


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Full notes on reddit & DIYorDIE:

CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl's doughy pastry notes get drawn out to the forefront brilliantly by FA Joy & FA Almond together, and the TFA Bavarian Cream adds a moist, textured mouthfeel and decadence to it.

FA Fuji delivers perfectly on the Apple notes, as expected. I've considered several ways to enhance the apple component, including TFA/FA Apple Pie, Pear, and a touch of TFA Dragonfruit (components list). I ended up going with TFA Dragonfruit for two reasons.

One, it has a high % of triethyl citrate, which has emulsifying properties that are particularly useful in a mix with cinnamon bark essential oil flavorings (ever notice how CAP Cinnamon Danish tends to separate in its bottle?). The second reason is basic Deeper DIY -- ethyl butyrate & isoamyl acetate, both found in TFA Dragonfruit, are complementary to FA Fuji, as both compounds are often used in apple and similar flavors themselves. A touch of TFA Dragonfruit not only adds some extra juicy tartness to the apple filling flavor, it helps the cinnamon blend into the apple flavor, creating "Cinnamon Apples" instead of "Cinnamon + Apples". FA MTS Vape Wizard can also help with this.

FLV Rich Cinnamon is unmatched by any other cinnamon flavors, and it really shines best in a bakery mix like this one. There's no substitute, so if you don't have it, get it -- but you can make this recipe without it.

Modifications & Tweaks:

No FLV Rich Cinnamon? Increase CAP CDS by 1-2% and leave it out, or substitute FA Cinnamon Ceylon at same %.

Want even more doughy pastry? Add 1% FA Apple Pie or 2-3% TFA Apple Pie.

Too complex? TFA Dragonfruit & FA Almond are highly-recommended but not strictly required.

Swap CAP Cinnamon Danish for TFA Cinnamon Danish or FW Cinnamon Roll to get a different character of cinnamon-pastry.

Diketone-free version:
Swap CAP Cinnamon Danish Swirl for CDS V2, same %.
Swap TFA Bavarian Cream for new CAP Bavarian Cream (no A/P or DA) or TFA's Bavarian Cream DX, same %.

Enjoy, and follow my recipes & posts on /r/DIY_ejuice on reddit, & soon on, where you can find recipes of unmatched quality & DIY info for the community!

#1 by MysticRose, Sep 21. 2015, 08:38
Amazing! I made this yesterday as written, except subbed FA Cinnamon Ceylon instead of rich cinnamon. Also added the 1% FA apple pie as recommended to add to the doughy bready aspect. I'm very glad I did. This is so so good and a well balanced apple fritter. Heat steeped for 6 hours at 125, and it's delicious. Can't wait to see how it improves with curing, if it makes it that long. Spot on flavor, I can almost feel the crunchy outside sinking into that doughy sweetness inside...just yummy. Thank you for sharing :D
#2 by stevejay1, Oct 8. 2015, 12:27
To anyone who hasn't tried this your missing out on a delicious ADV. Premium e liquid and thanks for sharing this awesome blend.
#3 by mackditty, Oct 8. 2015, 23:53
It's nearly impossible to find Fuji FA, is there anything I can use in its place? I have Apple Pie TFA, Apple TFA, Apple Double FW. I really want to try this recipe since my ADV is an apple fritter flavor. If I have to wait until I can get Fuji, I will but I'd like to give it a shot with what I have.
#4 by stevejay1, Oct 9. 2015, 12:14
that's a good question Fuji apple has a very distinctive taste. be patient returnity should pop in sometime and give you an answer
#5 by Lostmarbles, Oct 10. 2015, 04:54
I'm going to make this very soon. Just want to let you know that I really appreciate your mixing notes on this. I've learned something.
#6 by ADV_Hunter, Nov 1. 2015, 00:39
Top tier vape for those who like apple fritters. I subbed in Fa cinnamon, and it was delicious.
#7 by Venterino, Nov 5. 2015, 19:36
I mixed a 100ml of this like a week and a half ago, did 30/70PG/VG and don’t know if that messed with the flavor-profile or not, but it really needs to settle down. I subbed FLV RC for cinnamon ceylon+added 1% FA apple pie and straight after mixing the cinnamon is not very noticeable, nor is the apple. Mostly the pastry note of CDS, today, it’s actually really good. The apple is the main note and it really tastes like they are fried, a really good fritter with a hint of cinnamon.

5/5 stars :)
#8 by VapingLady, Dec 6. 2015, 10:17
can i replace joy with something else?
#9 by ThePzy, Dec 21. 2015, 23:52
Before trying this recipe i didn't liked Cinnamon vape...
FLV rich cinnamon add a magic touch to the Dannish roll...
Awesome recipe, Fuji apple is sublimed, love it :-)
Need more Returnity's recipes ^^ THX
#10 by GobbleThisObelisk, Jan 20. 2016, 09:18
This is fantastic, and immediately became a top 3 ADV for me. Reminds me of Sycamore from Artifact but with less prominent sugar glaze. GREAT recipe.
#11 by RuntDastardly, Jan 24. 2016, 01:14
Mixed up my second batch of this, and wanted to stop by and tell you how much I love it. This is a perfect recipe in every way. I couldn't imagine being without it in my rotation, now. Thank you!
#12 by Amy***, Jan 28. 2016, 00:34
Wonderfully rounded and beautifully disguised use of Dragon Fruit ! I love it, thanks for the share !
#13 by probywan, Jan 29. 2016, 09:42
this is fucking delicious. mad props, man
#14 by MasterElixirs, Jan 31. 2016, 16:45
Great recipe, I'm not a big cinnamon lover but figured I would give this a go. And it is excellent.
#15 by Jbird77, Feb 10. 2016, 04:49
This is amazing with cup of coffee. Which is great, because I drink coffee all day long! You really nailed this one! Taste just like an apple fritter.
#16 by TrECeNTeRs, Feb 18. 2016, 07:28
returnity I love your work buddy.
#17 by WVS1980, Feb 19. 2016, 03:52
Love it. Definitely needed to get a non-heavy-cream vape and this just hit the mark. I'm going to try the more doughy (1% FA Apple Pie) version. Thanks for an awesome vape. BTW, vaping this with my morning coffee is fkin amazing!
#18 by hivemind, Feb 21. 2016, 00:02
I'm all out of Joy. Can I sub with Sorrow? I also have some Pain and Suffering but don't want to separate them as they work great together.. massive throat hit.
#19 by MysticRose, Feb 21. 2016, 00:52
Joy is what gives it the doughy yeasty taste of a donut, and imo is what makes this recipe what it is. You can sub anything, but it won't taste anything like the original, it's very integral to this particular recipe.
#20 by Maureeenie, Feb 29. 2016, 23:25
This looks exceptional but I think I will swap the Bavarian Cream with Vanilla Custard because for some reason Bavarian Cream gets a burn flavor in my sub tanks.
#21 by Xexist, Mar 7. 2016, 02:25
This doesnt taste a thing like apple fritter to me, more like an apple cider or something. Regardless, its very tasty and one of the better recipes on this site that Ive tried. That Fuji apple is amazing.
#22 by ffrank, Mar 7. 2016, 16:52

FA Fuji is always at I've been buying it there regularly for months.
#23 by Flying Nimbus, Mar 10. 2016, 11:25
I always make sure i have 3 bottles steeping of this juice, i never want to run out!
#24 by KingRoy, Mar 10. 2016, 17:36
Excellent recipe! Vaped about 240ml of this juice in less than a month between two of us. Still good as first day. Thanks for posting!
#25 by Nuvolone , Mar 27. 2016, 11:34
5 stars, great recipe however a bit too flavourful as an ADV IMO
#26 by KittyVapes, Apr 15. 2016, 02:51
Really tasty juice! I gave this a few days for the Fuji to die down and this mellowed into a juicy desert in a bottle. I did sub out the cinnamon with Fa Cinnamon Ceylon but this recipe has made me order the Flavorah so I can make this just as posted.
#27 by guntherslunt, Apr 18. 2016, 15:09
Made this subbing out INW Shisha Cinnamon for the FLV Rich Cinnamon and it's pretty delicious! Just a sub I've never really seen before.
#28 by mindtrapper, Apr 29. 2016, 23:32
Is this supposed to be a bit cloudy or is there something wrong with mine?
#29 by N, May 4. 2016, 18:32
great flavour :)
#30 by illitirit, May 16. 2016, 11:23
@ mindtrapper mine turned out cloudy as well, not sure whats going on
#31 by Theemailman, May 17. 2016, 21:28
Real good shake and vape
#32 by illitirit, May 21. 2016, 11:27
just want to warn everyone this juice will crack plastic tanks. Pretty sure its the cinnamon. Left this juice in my hurricane rta, woke up next morning my tank looks like its shattered.
#33 by Theemailman, May 21. 2016, 18:59
Have been using it in a Nebox which is plastic no problems so far vaping 30ml
#34 by Timbo, May 28. 2016, 15:15
Outstanding. Thanks
#35 by trebor, Jun 9. 2016, 03:18
Good recipe.
#36 by Overamd, Jun 28. 2016, 13:12
if this recipe near to apple butter by liquid state ?
#37 by HTV, Jul 3. 2016, 14:41
This is the BEST recipe for a Cin-Apple Fritter I've tried, and quite possibly the tastiest, most authentic-tasting recipe I have tried.

I didn't have FLV Rich Cinnamon so I upped CDS 1% as suggested and holy shit. It's a bit heavy on the Fuji at first - which isn't a bad thing considering Fuji is the BEST tasting apple flavor IMO - and it works so well in bakery recipes such as this. It could not pair any better with the cinnamon profile in this recipe. It tones down after a few days and meshes together with the cinnamon and the breadiness of the overall recipe. after a 3 week steep this juice is prime. Everything settled down and blended so smoothly and perfectly it's unreal. if you haven't made this yet, DO IT. I have to order FLV Rich Cinnamon to try this recipe as intended. I can only imagine how authentic this would be if it was made as originally intended!
#38 by KittyVapes, Jul 6. 2016, 22:12
For anyone who is wondering, this mix steeps well and stays really tasty. So many recipes are good after a short steep but then taste bad or flavorless after longer steeping. This one does not and I was comfortable enough to mix it in a larger amount knowing that it will stay good.
#39 by artificialsweetner, Jul 7. 2016, 04:56
I'm late to the party but this mix is outstanding. Thank you so much, I could see myself vaping this all day every day. The only tweak I made was Inawera Dragonfruit instead of TPA, I really think for as weird as most INV is they have dragonfruit down pat. But it is much stronger, like all their flavors, so I used .3 % instead of .67%. I made 120 ml out of the gate without a small tester cause I sensed this would be excellent, and it is. Thank you
#40 by Upinsmoke , Jul 15. 2016, 00:09
Made 120ml straight away, been sitting in the cupboard for a week. BOOM love this vape, gotta feeling this ain't gonna last the week, thank you for your hard work. Diy or die forever
#41 by Darkly spectre, Jul 18. 2016, 04:40
Made this a few days ago. fuji smells strong but man what a good vape. Very impressed by this. only have cinnamon danish V2(I presume that the polish company didn't put swirl on their box). might buy V1. is there really a big taste difference?
#42 by ann7999, Jul 24. 2016, 21:25
I had to leave out the almond and the cinnamon. I dropped the fugi apple to 3% as I find it very strong. Turned out very nice. I love this with my morning coffee. Thank you very much for sharing.
#43 by CheebaSteeba, Jul 26. 2016, 14:12
Oh my, this is amazing! Very well balanced, hits every note I'd look for in a vape. Thank you very much for the recipe!
#44 by Natedeezy, Aug 21. 2016, 18:59
I made this 70/30 with no cinnamon while adding 2% sweet cinnamon Danish... My new all day vape... A+.... I tried it as is with the cinnamon and even after 3-4 days it had a big red gum taste on inhale... Without the straight cinnamon it is A+
#45 by jarejay, Aug 31. 2016, 20:16
I have vaped through liters of my personally tweaked version of this recipe. I use more Flavorah cinnamon because it's wonderful as well as a bit more sweetener because I came over from One Hit Wonder's Muffin Man. I also moved the Fuji up a bit and the CDS down. Just wanted to show my appreciation for an amazing mix!
#46 by Fallacious Fog , Sep 9. 2016, 22:31
Made 3 140ml bottles as a tester...I know I know 😂
With the comments I knew it would be a hit I just wasn't expecting how much of a hit it would be. Dear lord Jesus it's a fire🔥🔥🔥
This juice mixed at max VG , didn't have the rich Cinnonon :( but had enough to make it 6% CDS followed all other flavours... And I just say. Steep time ? Wtf is steep time. This juice Vaped beautifully right off the hop, mixed everything together. 5 min hot bath, shook it like a maniac for 25 mins let sit and cool and now I believe it's one of the best juices I've had the pleasure of mixing 5 star will be making way more thank you
#47 by Flubba, Sep 11. 2016, 23:41
how long do you recommend to steep? Felt there was too much Joy present, flavor was weak. Judging by the other reviews, this may be my fault though.
#48 by clockwork, Sep 13. 2016, 03:25
Mixed up with only one substitution and let it sit 2 months. Pretty good tasting stuff. Good Job!
#49 by Stanley, Sep 17. 2016, 03:32
Thank you , thank you, thank you. this is absolutely fantastic. i am on my 3 batch, went from 30ml to 60 ml now 120ml. Bam!
#50 by Dwhoneil, Sep 26. 2016, 23:19
Great with 0.5% liquid amber too, gives more of a bakery flavoured apple
#51 by ZaFFeeR, Sep 27. 2016, 07:57
After one month steeping, turn to be more perfect.
#52 by Fogger1989, Oct 4. 2016, 04:09
Even without the joy this mix is great shake and vaped. I cant wait to see what it does with joy when my local shop gets joy in later this week.
#53 by Dwhoneil, Oct 4. 2016, 10:32
Should i make another batch without the liquid amber? Anyone tried both or is there a reason its omitted?
#54 by Lakelover64, Oct 12. 2016, 14:04
This turned out great, my wife has made this her ADV!
#55 by RaGCaR, Oct 14. 2016, 07:55
Great, simple recipe, I mixed it exactly as specified, but it's not quite there for me. I get apple, I get cinnamon, but not at all like an apple fritter as I hoping for. How can I pull more of that doughnutty pastry flavour out of it, besides the 2 "apple pie" suggestions, cuz I don't have either of them.
#56 by Dwhoneil, Oct 14. 2016, 09:32
Try adding 0.5% liquid amber for a more pastry styled apple. Also up the joy to 1%, i reckon that would do it.
#57 by Mmh1972 , Oct 17. 2016, 16:56
Spent $30 on a few flavorings to make this I hope it's delicious
#58 by Mmh1972 , Oct 17. 2016, 17:08
Btw I seen someone mentioned using MTS Vape Wizard in this, is this necessary or help?
#59 by RaGCaR, Oct 23. 2016, 01:55
I've blown thru 250ml of this since making the initial 300ml 2+ weeks ago. Just wanted to let you know that I'm just sitting down at my kitchen table, about to mix a 500ml batch cuz it's so good. Still haven't found that light crunch of a fried doughnut note that I look forward to when biting into an apple fritter, but everything about this is still so good that I need more haha. I am gonna take Dwhoneil's suggestion and up the Joy just slightly, and I may (forwardly) round off the CDS to the nearest ml in this mix. So good. Nevermind all day vape, this has been my all 16 day vape and still not tired of it lol.
#60 by Mmh1972 , Oct 26. 2016, 17:53
Niki you can make this at any ratio I did 80-20 and it's great after 7 days and I normally vape 70-30
#61 by Sycamore, Nov 1. 2016, 23:15
This stuff is stunning. Thanks for sharing. Time to make more!
#62 by Mmh1972 , Nov 2. 2016, 21:47
Absolutely perfect after 2 weeks I may like this better than rhodonite as a shake n Vape..
#63 by fantasyrook1, Nov 4. 2016, 04:33
my new ADV, this stuff is amazing
#64 by Duchesst, Nov 13. 2016, 21:19
Just wonderfull especially now during the autum.
Can't get enough off it.
#65 by Fallacious Fog , Nov 16. 2016, 23:44
I'm back. The batch I made is gone. I would say this is a incredible shake and vape but after the 1 month mark it becomes something super refined, the flavours just work so good together

I have remade a 100ml bottle. Subbing Fuji apple for cocoon at 3%
I know I shouldn't sub but I've tasted the real deal and it's amazing
Getting more Fuji apple tomorrow. But for now I think cocoon will sub nicely for a different flavour. Will report back my findings.
#66 by cooter, Dec 13. 2016, 23:12
@returnity; I'm a little confused on the Bavarian Cream. Your recipe show's it as TPA but the notes refers it to TFA. I realize the two are from the same co. but are there a difference between the two?
#67 by cooter, Dec 13. 2016, 23:31
How long does it steep for?
#68 by DrFrankenvaper, Dec 14. 2016, 00:08
This is honestly the best DIY recipe I have ever tried. Only downside is that I find I start to lose some of the taste after a couple days. So i just switch flavors for a bit. Then every time I come back to this one it is SO GOOD.
#69 by cooter, Dec 14. 2016, 03:22
@Dr F; How long did you let it steep?
#70 by CesarO, Dec 14. 2016, 06:54
Test batch ready on Dec 24
#71 by DDrama, Dec 15. 2016, 05:37
Is the Joy necessary? Can it be subbed with liquid amber?

I just got done making apple buttah so have all these ingredients except the joy. Is this juice too similar to bother with or better than apple buttah?
#72 by andygev35, Dec 24. 2016, 16:46
The Joy gives it that "deep fried dough" effect which I believe is vital to make this complete. I mixed 360ml of this and let it steep for a week. I can't friggin put it down, it it tastes so damn good and authentic. A nice side effect is it makes the house smell like a dessert bakery.
#73 by DDrama, Dec 24. 2016, 17:37
I made 120ml without the joy and Its really good but missing a little something. Going to reorder flavors and will pickup joy for my next batch. Thanks!
#74 by 28If, Jan 2. 2017, 18:05
Thank you for the very nice tasting recipe.
#75 by Zealotus, Jan 4. 2017, 20:42
I cant find FA Almond in my country can i substitute with TFA Almond??
#76 by NiJo, Jan 9. 2017, 09:45
I'm a prude in that I'm not a fan of cinnamon vapes, and I hate Joy. That being said, I mixed this up using the increased CDS due to no Flavorah cinnamon. Really tasty, you hit your target returnity. As others have said, it really is prime. Thanks.
#77 by suoıʇnlos ǝuıʇsǝpuɐlɔ, Jan 12. 2017, 13:29
Beautiful recipe! I don't usually try other ppl' s recipe but hot day am I ever glad I did. Finally a purpose without gross results for Joy! I omitted rich cinnamon in fear of being too cinnamony and it came out like a Pillsbury apple turnover, definitely gonna make it again and again thank so much for the solid recipe
#78 by Bledzepplin, Jan 17. 2017, 02:12
What would be the state time on this juice. It looks pretty tasty
#79 by HowlingMonkey, Jan 18. 2017, 02:50
This is one of my favorites. I always have a 60ml bottle steeping and a 60ml for vaping.
#80 by Enviros, Jan 19. 2017, 00:14
Thanks for the time spent on this delicious clone. I vaped this after making a 15ml sampler precisely as the recipe states. This is without a doubt a very clear contender as a clone to Doughboys Dixon's Cider, shake and vaped. Now maybe this will mature a little differently after 1 week, my question is what flavor is going to mature?
#81 by cooter, Jan 19. 2017, 02:37
Strangest thing happened with mine. After I let it steep for couple days and keeping my fingers crossed, I gave it a try and it came out perfect, had just the right amount of cinnamon flavor. But, when I filled the bowl the second time around, the cinnamon taste was gone and the blend went flat. Has this happened to anyone else here?
#82 by andygev35, Jan 19. 2017, 04:01
@cooter the cinnamon flavoring has a tendency to separate and rise to the top of the mix. It's imperative to give it a good shake EVERY time before you fill up, otherwise you'll be vaping most of the cinnamon in the first tankful.
#83 by cooter, Jan 19. 2017, 05:37
AAH OK! I didn't know cinnamon does that but I KNOW NOW!!! Thank you very much for your comeback info!
#84 by Kickthejamz, Jan 20. 2017, 01:50
I have a question is Fuji FA the same as Fiji Apple FA? I didn't realize that when I ordered my flavors I made a batch with Fuji FA and it is OK taste like apple cider...
#85 by Kickthejamz, Jan 23. 2017, 03:18
Update: After letting steep for a few days the fuji settled and blended very nicely and now I am getting a very good cinnapple flavor! Thank you
#86 by Nugget40, Jan 27. 2017, 07:50
This recipe is amazing, it is absolutely spot on to the reference. Great as a shake and vape, though it is very cinnamon foward when freshly mixed, after a week steep the cinnamon mellows a bit, and you have liquid gold. I personally like this recipe better than the much hyped "apple buttah", as they are somewhat similar profiles.
#87 by vaug, Jan 28. 2017, 07:52
Man, what a great vape! Thanks @returnity for the recipe and for the detailed notes. We that are new to mixing especially appreciate that.
Mixed with 48mg PG nic to 6mg, 73,5% VG total. Shook PGs 1st, added VG, Jigshake 1-2 min. Warm in crock (on low, abt 120) 1 hr, jigshake again.
Steep open 1-1/2 dasy then cap.
Tried at 8 days in Aromamizer, 0.38 Dual SS at 37W +/-.
Amazing flavor , balance, TH, etc. That Rich Cinnamon (FLV) really shines as worth the extra $.
The recipe seemed just a tiny bit sharp to me, so I put it back to steep for another week.
Today, at 14 days, it is perfect. Dripping in the Tsunami with 0.4 dual dual SS coils and a fresh wick.
Feels like dining out, like splurging. haha. Made a big bottle straight away.
#88 by Bin-jip, Jan 31. 2017, 15:54
This is one of my persisent recipes since I have made my first batch in last July. I've tried different fine tunings mixing the original recipe with some FA cookie, cold pressed lime, vape wizard acetyl pirazyne, CAP double apple, and some other flavors carefuly. All of them were superb.
It's a good shake and vape, but gets much better after a few weeks. I have a 4 moths old batch to test the recipe in the long run. It's almost brown now, and still surprises me with its even more complexity as it matures every time I try.
Thanks for this great work returnity!
#89 by NiJo, Jan 31. 2017, 16:26
Bin-jip sums it up nicely. I just had to buy (bigger this time) CDS and Fuji Apple again because I will not be without this flavor. Usually, you mix something up you love, but it loses its allure over time. This one never gets old.
#90 by DutchPunch, Feb 1. 2017, 13:02
I didn't believe in shake & vape any more. But this is liquid gold and it seems you can not screw this up, it's great straight from the gate. I didn't even have the Rich Cinnamon or the Joy, but the Fuji and Cinnamon Danish are a golden duo. A few days steeping will make it only better. I'm definitely also going to get all the ingredients and make it the proper way. Thank you for sharing and also the great suggestions for alternative versions. Definitely five stars no matter how you turn it. What's not to love about a fresh baked 'appeltaart' ;-)
#91 by Awakenow2, Feb 2. 2017, 01:30
I mixed this Saturday and subtituted RF red hot cinnamon and TFA organic strawberry instead of dragon fruit and FW bav. cream but this stuff is great after a 3 day steep, I don't SNV but after three days it's awesome. I think in 3 weeks it will be amazing. Thanks for the recipe!!!
#92 by Peppino, Feb 5. 2017, 06:52
I accidentally put .2g cinnamon Ceylon instead of .1g. After shake and vape it seems like there was too much cinnamon for my taste could that be the reason why or should I omit the Ceylon?
#93 by Puffaway, Mar 7. 2017, 15:08
I tried this without Dragonfruit and subbed FA Cinnamon Ceylon for FLV. Outstanding. Addictive. Very yummy that Joy; spent 5 mins just sniffing the bottle. Thanks!
#94 by Wiingy, Mar 9. 2017, 23:07
Umm... this blows muffin man out of the water and doesn't gunk coils. I'm not a huge fan of this type of vape but this is spot on. I make it for my buddy and it's his #1. Thank You.
#95 by Bakesh Emet, Mar 19. 2017, 03:04
Made this and 2 friends tried a sample, they immediately ordered more. Very nice, not an all day vape for me but definitely a favorite dessert.
#96 by MattyShatty, Apr 1. 2017, 16:16
Mixed this tonight and it already smells wicked. Cant wait to try it out but i'll have to hold myself a few more days and let the mix settle down and blend well.

P.s. used FA MTS VW instead of dragon fruit and added 1% FA apple pie for extra dough as recommended. Fingers crossed. Will report back as soon as I take a drag. :D
#97 by natbone, Apr 20. 2017, 18:13
What a fantastic recipe. It's been my favorite for the past two months. I've used Cinnamon Ceylon FA but I just ordered FLV cinnamon. I love every note I get from this, and it does vary. Sometimes I get a lot of apple or cinnamon or sweetness. This is one of the best I've ever tasted. I also just ordered 100ml of CDS, I don't want to run out of this.
#98 by Kraven1978, May 17. 2017, 15:21
What about make this 40/60 PG/VG? Less sweet? More intense flavor?
#99 by RobynRye, Jun 13. 2017, 00:54
This is soooo good as shake and vape already; can't wait to try it again in 2 or 3 weeks!
#100 by Kraven1978, Jun 14. 2017, 21:38
Someone knows some apple pie recipe better than this
#101 by Little Blue Screwdriver, Jun 20. 2017, 20:06
I've made this more than any other recipe on here. I was mixing it 84VG but I loved the flavor so much I wanted more. So I mixed it 80VG and that's what I'm sticking with. It taste like a premium juice.

Cinapple Fritter + coffee = 😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤
#102 by natbone, Jun 26. 2017, 21:17
I finally got Rich Cinnamon and this recipe only got better. I'll vape this for 2-3 days, in my rotation, then take a few days off, then right back to it. Too much cinnamon will fatigue me, but this is hands down the best cinnamon vape I've tried, and I've tried, and made, a shitload.
#103 by Dio, Jun 27. 2017, 11:50
#104 by Whooptidooh, Jul 14. 2017, 11:20
I did not have enough Cinnamon Danish, so I subbed the remaining % with CAP Graham Cracker. This shit is delicious! Thanks!
#105 by Morfeeus, Jul 16. 2017, 22:02
Just made this as written and it is good as a S&V. Will make sure to save some and try after a steep. I had made another recipe that was described as a clone of Liquid States Apple Butter and it was good and relatively close but i didn't care for the flavor changes after it had steeped a couple weeks. Thanks @returnity for sharing the recipe!
#106 by alex1501, Jul 31. 2017, 18:04
Good SnV, Great after a week. New favorite, thank you.
#107 by VapingNurse, Aug 6. 2017, 03:52
Subbed cinnamon red hots for the cinnamon and 1% AP. Wow this is wonderful!
#108 by Harry, Aug 7. 2017, 03:28
This is one of my top three recipes ever. I made it along with Botboy's Awesome Apple Pie and although both are great, this one is the hands down winner. Great job with this.
#109 by Asrita, Aug 9. 2017, 22:51
Great s&v, amazing after a week. Struggled with diy recipies for a while now, fresh and diyordie have turned it around for me. Just made 120 ml's of this, most ave made of any recipie, its that good!
#110 by hesekiel2517, Aug 11. 2017, 19:20
Absolut geiles Zeug. Für mich besser als Mr. Fritter von Cuttwood. Thx for the recipe.
#111 by marc_sco, Sep 18. 2017, 23:45
Great recipe, my favorite, thank you!
#112 by FunnySlumberBunny, Sep 21. 2017, 10:27
What about zeppola subbing for joy?
#113 by, Oct 4. 2017, 12:08
Not that good. I was expecting more according to user feedback and rating. Fuji is too strong (now 2 weeks steeping), cinnamon vanished almost completely, not enough dough/pastry, sweetness is missing. Too pale for my taste, will not mix again. 50ml wasted.
Vaping on Peerless RDA, dual coil build (22g, 10 wraps, 3mm, 0.3ohm), 65 watt.
#114 by DrFrankenvaper, Oct 7. 2017, 05:56, sounds like you have serious vapers tongue... FLV Rich Cinnamon does not vanish in 2 weeks! In fact, I use about half (or adjust to taste) of what the recipe calls for because it is so overpowering! I always add 1% FA Apple Pie for extra dough/pastry. IMO - this is the best recipe I have ever mixed from The only downside to this flavor is you can get burnt out on it if you vape it for too long; I think it's the cinnamon, but it's so good everytime I come back to it. (IMO)
#115 by, Oct 7. 2017, 06:45
@DrFrankenvaper, I didn’t want to be the black sheep, just saying how I feel this juice. I’m glad to read you like it that much!
#116 by Brett, Nov 18. 2017, 06:03
I mixed this up a month ago, give it a serial number. Let it steep then vaped it over a week on different devices and settings writing down my notes. I found the flavor a little weak, but identified the main flavors. The juicy apple/fruitiness was there along with a little pastry, but cinnamon was very weak. In conclusion 3* - not too bad. I will mix again, but boost the overall % and then add some of the Churro+Roll FW Cinnamon. Unless anyone else has suggestions...
#117 by Romu, Dec 1. 2017, 09:53
Unreal recipe here! Did a Shake n Vape, was okay. Did a 6 hr warm water bath and 3 days steep and its sick! Had to make an account just to upvote. Initially made it without rich Cinnamon and wasn't the same. Bought rich cinnamon to see whats its all about and wasn't disappointed. My new ADV. I also appreciate that only 1 ingredient has acetoin.. gotta watch out for that shtuff.
#118 by Romu, Dec 1. 2017, 09:59
A little worried about people saying the flavor changes over time. Made a 120ml will report back in a few weeks time.
#119 by DDrama, Dec 16. 2017, 22:26
I know TFA apple is no substitute for Fuji apple but out of Fuji and have a couple bottles of TFA apple. I know that tart crisp appleness wont be there but wonder how it would turn out? Should I up the % of TFA apple?
#120 by Stafylidis Vladimiros, Dec 30. 2017, 11:25
Hi returnity, you might like to know about that
#121 by Mmh1972 , Jan 7. 2018, 02:17
Went to St. Louis vape expo today and tried Mama's eliquid Apple Pie and it was this recipe there's no doubt in my mind.
#122 by linbul, Jan 23. 2018, 17:55
Great recipe! I was very surprised of the fried pastry notes after the steeping, never considered JOY as a good combo in recipes. Good as SnV, but really shines after several days.
#123 by Alex123, Feb 4. 2018, 17:04
Really good. Took toasted almond CAP instead of almond.
#124 by Scottyjoe920, Feb 23. 2018, 05:13
4 drops of cinnamon rich!? Ouch that sounds way high!!! That shits potent I’m thinking 1 drop per 30ml!!
#125 by NoProblem, Mar 18. 2018, 19:04
I just vaped from a batch I made just over 4 months ago and yow - MMMmmmmmm!!!
#126 by EIEIO, Apr 22. 2018, 05:27
Best diy recipe ever
#127 by Robin, Apr 24. 2018, 09:46
I made this with some very small changes and LOVE it.
You really put a lot of effort into this. Thanks for sharing. I now have a new ADV that's an SNV!
#128 by Don_Bil, May 3. 2018, 11:52
Hello everyone. Can I have someone who made this please confirm how its meant to look when its all mixed up? I just made mine last night and its looking like a cloudy apple juice. Is that right? I'm worried I might have put too much FLV cinnamon, scales were lagging and not going up so I had to drop it in and think there may be more than needed. I mean it smells like a cinnamon apple fritter already but just want to check that its meant to be a cloudy apple yellow color? Thanks.
#129 by Little Blue Screwdriver, May 3. 2018, 13:06
@ Don_bil
Yes it will look that way until everything mixes together properly. Give it some shakes, a few days and it will start to look different. It's because of the cinnamon.
#130 by gpjoe, May 3. 2018, 19:51
Just made, following the recipe precisely, and it's very good - nice change from Muffin Man, which I also love.

Thanks for the great recipe.
#131 by Matek's Mayhem, May 6. 2018, 17:51
Loving it, thanks for sharing.
#132 by MikeG, May 16. 2018, 05:01
Perfection, awesome job.
#133 by Brett J, May 18. 2018, 16:29
Sorry if this has already been answered but what is the recommended steep time for this?
#134 by Brett J, May 23. 2018, 18:13
This is some of the best juice I've ever tasted! I used the apple pie in it too. Thanks OP!
#135 by Mgunit13, Aug 3. 2018, 20:34
EXCELLENT recipe... so spot on... thanks for sharing:)
#136 by SuperFrog, Aug 9. 2018, 16:50
deserves the full marks and the notoriety
#137 by DemonizeD, Sep 17. 2018, 14:00
Hi returnity. I don't have flv rich cinnamon. What's the flavor closest to that? I think using fw cinnamon churro 2 drop for 30 ml. Do you think it's a good idea?
#138 by SuperFrog, Sep 18. 2018, 17:59
Already some solution in recipe notes:

Modifications & Tweaks:

No FLV Rich Cinnamon? Increase CAP CDS by 1-2% and leave it out, or substitute FA Cinnamon Ceylon at same %.
#139 by DemonizeD, Sep 18. 2018, 18:20
Oh sorry i don't see. Thank you @Superfrog
#140 by SuperFrog, Sep 18. 2018, 18:26
I have done fa cinnamon and it is very good.
#141 by Mgunit13, Sep 18. 2018, 18:26
Lol... it's always a good idea to read all the notes and even comments to see possible subs
#142 by Vibe, Oct 20. 2018, 18:10
This is an amazing recipe!! Well done! :)
#143 by gsnap2, Mar 12. 2019, 08:30
Whoa, this is really heavy on the apple. IMO, an apple fritter should be like 65% fritter, 35% apple and this (to me) is more like 25% fritter, 75% apple. (after 11 days steep). Perhaps the apple will settle down after a little longer, but it's way too heavy on the apple right now. I'm going to make another batch, but take the Fuji Apple down to 2%.
#144 by Mgunit13, Mar 12. 2019, 08:37
@umopapisdn you are mistaken my friend d... all levels are perfect....just give it 2 weeks (have patience). And I prefer not using FLV Rich Cinnamon and Increasing CAP CDS by 1% and also adding 1% FA apple pie which adds the flakey texture feel.....

If you.taking the Fuji down 2% dont come back here complaining that it's too weak lol......

Steeping is a must when mixing ejuice
#145 by gsnap2, Mar 12. 2019, 08:45
@Mgunit13, if I am mistaken, how come you adjusted the recipe? I am talking about this EXACT recipe, not a modified version (which is a completely different recipe). As I mentioned, it's been steeping 11 days (that's 3 days shy of 2 weeks), so i'll try it again after 3 more days (2 weeks) as you've suggested, and again in 17 more days (1 month steep). My comment was simply my opinion that this EXACT recipe has too much apple (for my taste at least).

Again, I'm just stating my opinion here. Some of us may like a heavier apple taste than others. But for me, I think 2% would work well as I enjoy the other flavors but not getting enough of them due to the apple being so strong.

Lastly, I would never make my own decision to adjust something and then complain about it, seeing that it was my decision to do so, that's just silly...
#146 by Mgunit13, Mar 12. 2019, 08:54
Because I didn't have the FLV rich cinnamon...... first off, obviously you do not read the notes!!! Or else you would of saw the different variations he mentions to begin with..... 2nd off, I can tell you dont read comments neither.....

Wtf man.... just got done reading your crap, you keep saying I adjusted for me......

Learn how to read...
#147 by gsnap2, Mar 12. 2019, 09:00
@Mgunit13, once again, I was simply going by the EXACT recipe, not any of the subs suggested. I repeat, I was simply stating my opinion on the EXACT recipe listed at the top of this page, not from any of the subs. I like how the recipe is without subs, FLV Rich Cinnamon works is my favorite cinnamon flavor and I would not sub it personally. I want to taste it, and the rest of the "fritter" portion of the juice more. So once again, in MY OPINION, the apple is too strong. It's ok to disagree, but please calm down, you're getting way too excited over this.

PS. Yes, you adjusted the actual recipe with suggested sub options from the notes. (which is ok too). Perhaps if you followed the actual recipe, you would understand where I'm coming from. Make it a great day!
#148 by Nicolas, Mar 13. 2019, 19:48
This is a very good Cinapple Fritter and I have tried most of them. Needs a 10 day steep time and then everything stays as is. The 1% FA Apple Pie is a must for me, also I think .50% - 1% Sweetener by CAP would really make a great addition to this recipe to make it more "commercial-like". Great recipe though, good job.
#149 by KhanGhuru, Jun 25. 2019, 12:01
i lost the original cinapple fritter recipe. can someone remind me what is was? thanks
#150 by Dbise, Jan 16. 2020, 15:33
Great after 1week did add some as to give it a kick
#151 by Dbise, Feb 25. 2020, 01:04
Beautiful don’t get much fritter from it though
#152 by JuicyJ, Apr 3. 2020, 10:52
This recipe is phenomenal! Love it so much! Subbed TFA Bavarian cream for CAP and added some sweetener, can’t thank you enough for blessing DIY with this masterpiece! ADV for sure!
#153 by Me8odios, May 30. 2020, 23:07
At the first inhale, after 2 weeks, i bet cinnamon gave me a terrible off note! After that, the juice was gorgeous! I think it needs breathing for the cinnamon to calm down. I've never eaten fritters, but this juice is something that is certainly worth checking it out. Very tasty! Well done, chef!
#154 by Troy, Sep 17. 2020, 13:20
Very good taste.Since I have worked with Rich Cinnamon before, I know it is necessary to shake the e-juice each time before dripping/vaping, as the Cinnamon seems to separate from the mix. Your Recipe is fantastic. I started with a 21 day steep for my mix, made on 7/11/20. honestly it was really good at that point. After now 9 weeks this is one of the best dessert or breakfast recipes I've ever made. Thank you! Kudos! 5 stars!
#155 by Darrow, Oct 2. 2021, 16:51
This is a very good mix thanks
#156 by SamHam, Jan 22. 2022, 15:56
Amazing stuff. My first time trying out the recipe but a great one for sure. Very balanced flavour.
#157 by WTFMF, Nov 7. 2022, 17:22
I've been vaping this recipe since I started vaping years ago. Now using pods. I use this with salts on a Caliburn and its great but wondering if anyone has remastered this recipe for lower wattage and higher nicotine?
#158 by WTFMF, Nov 8. 2022, 01:42
I've been vaping this recipe since I started vaping years ago. Now using pods. I use this with salts on a Caliburn and its great but wondering if anyone has remastered this recipe for lower wattage and higher nicotine?
#159 by Spark777, Jun 13. 2024, 23:00
MysticRose how did you heat steep at 125?

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