Banana nut bread - tastes just like it! 

Gravatar - by JeffOKC, Sep 9. 2015, 19:51


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

If you have a sweet tooth, try this out, it tastes exactly like banana nut bread. I love it!

Please leave feedback and or stars as it encourages me to continue posting recipes I have come up with! Vape on my friends!

#1 by solidpain, Sep 17. 2015, 19:02
really nice great flavor needs a week or two to smooth out
#2 by JeffOKC, Sep 18. 2015, 21:22
Indeed, I just finished my bottle off, going to make some more later, I love it after lunch/dinner.
#3 by Master Chief (SS), Oct 8. 2015, 21:29
Im going to give it a shot… I have a ton of flavors and need to make something new. Please keep posting those recipes!!!
#4 by Brian_SFL, Feb 16. 2016, 14:54
I made an adaptation of this with graham cracker v2 and I can't get enough of it. Thanks for the inspiration man, delicious!
#5 by Burritoclock, Mar 12. 2016, 22:34
Does indeed taste like Banana nut bread. Pretty good recipe mate!
#6 by Theonetheycall, Mar 19. 2016, 16:03
Does not taste like banan but bread. It taste too candy like. it's been steeping for a few wks too. Maybe try joy fa and drop the banana nut bread a bit.
#7 by Burritoclock, Mar 19. 2016, 18:01
Taste is subjective, mine tasted like Banana nut bread after 3 weeks. The initial 4 day steep left it candy like I would agree. Anyway, ymmv.
#8 by shayemarie88, Mar 28. 2016, 16:40
This is one of my absolute ADVs mine tasted spot on even as a shake and vape.
#9 by Area-51, May 12. 2016, 01:46
Love this! I am gonna make another 30ml tonight. @JeffOKC I do not have Oatmeal cookie so i used Cookie (fW) so I wondering what Oatmeal Cookie adds to the flavors? Thanks for the recipe it really good.
#10 by JeffOKC, May 12. 2016, 01:58
I forgot all about the recipes I posted on here! I have so many better recipes now... I will try to get a few posted asap! Thanks for all the feedback! :)
#11 by macmafia, Jul 1. 2016, 21:07
very very nice recipe but... there's a way to use some other flavour instead oatmeal cookie?
this is the only i don't have... TY!
#12 by brandon555, Sep 23. 2016, 02:55
If you think the banana is too candy-sweet. You might want to try playing around with % of tfa bnb and try using a little bananas foster. bf has a little more of a ripe banana flavor.
#13 by HoneyGram57, Jan 27. 2017, 19:44
The reviews on Oatmeal cookie aren't encouraging me to buy it just for this recipe. I believe, based on what I've read, I can accomplish the texture aspect with INW Biscuit or FA Cookie which I already have in stock.
#14 by JeffOKC, Jan 27. 2017, 22:46
Lol these are my OLD recipes. I have some that would knock your socks off now. I might post one soon :)
#15 by Crochetandcookies, Jan 31. 2017, 00:43
Yummy, this sounds good. Can't wait to mix some up, thank you. :)
#16 by HoneyGram57, Jan 31. 2017, 05:10
Old or New doesn't matter when it comes to recipes, Good is all that counts! I look forward to any new listings you may add & hope their received as well as this old has been! 😊
#17 by JeffOKC, Jan 31. 2017, 05:12
Ok I'll add ADV.
#18 by JeffOKC, Jan 31. 2017, 05:23
#19 by strat, Jan 31. 2017, 18:09
well, come Jeff, post some new ones! I'm ready.
#20 by JeffOKC, Jan 31. 2017, 18:11
I did! Link above :)
#21 by Dessert Island, Mar 8. 2017, 02:48
Is TPA caramel the same as TPA caramel original?
#22 by compclouds, Aug 7. 2017, 22:55
This is very good. It reminds me of these small banana breads I used to get. It also has a very fresh taste, like the banana bread is still warm. I can definitely taste the oatmeal cookie though, and I believe the vanilla swirl is a bit too high.
This is the first recipe I've ever bought flavors for, just to try it out, and it was not a mistake!
I wish I had gotten Vanilla Swirl previously! Very useful! But I always removed it from my cart when getting flavors, to reduce the overall cost, because I already have many good vanilla and cream flavors.
The Oatmeal Cookie is also very good!
I'm already working on a recipe using these two!
If you don't have everything for this recipe, and are considering getting the flavors for it, just do it! It's very good, and you can make a ton more recipes with the new flavors!
#23 by Poison_blood, Aug 19. 2017, 14:54
I'm really enjoying the juice, actually this was my first attempt on DIY recipes. thanks for sharing!
#24 by Robin, Feb 16. 2018, 16:33
Fantastic recipe! Steeped 14 days and it tastes just like my wife's banana bread. Thanks!
#25 by Ciccio1, May 30. 2018, 21:27
very very good
#26 by Cstober, Jun 3. 2018, 22:02
I have TPA Caramel (Original), is that the correct flavor?

If not, do you know any subs? I have FA Caramel as well. Thanks
#27 by Ciccio1, Jun 12. 2018, 18:42
very very good recipe!! thank you sir
#28 by HMoore, Jun 26. 2018, 21:15
Made this today and it's already spot on. Look forward to it steeping and blending a little more. Thank you so much for sharing. I appreciate your 7th try! I made two other versions and now I know what I was missing.
#29 by Cstober, Jun 26. 2018, 21:37
I picked up TPA Caramel and I like this recipe but it doesn't taste like banana nut bread to me. Thanks for sharing
#30 by Steve, Sep 6. 2018, 02:18
Great job. Tastes amazing!!!
#31 by Tanya, Oct 4. 2018, 03:16
I love this, awesome flavour. I'm going to add a bit of banana cream next time just to get a bit more banana but that's because I love strong flavours. This really is spot on the way it is (I probably shouldn't play with it.).
#32 by Tanya, Oct 4. 2018, 03:17
oh, I used FA Cookie because i didn't have oatmeal cookie, still came out great.
#33 by pesbuker, Jul 21. 2019, 17:36
Simple but delicious after 24 hours:
TFA Banana Nut Bread 10%
FA Cookie 2%
CAP Sweet Cream 2%
#34 by mouse, Sep 24. 2022, 22:36
How long do I need to steep this for and would it hurt to make like a half gallon of it and just let it set and steep and steep thanks for the help on this I appreciate it

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