Smoky Blue's Pumpkin Spiced Lattes 

Gravatar - by SmokyBlue, Aug 29. 2018, 20:20


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 4 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Pumpkin Spiced Lattes for fall.
This is a different spin, let me tell you how it goes, a bit like this:

Mocha coffee for the best experienced chocolate coffee, deep creaminess, with pumpkin crust and spices, absolutely delish!

The cantaloupe is hidden, but lends a few things to this mix: body first, as you need to have a fair amount of mouth feel, but more to make the pumpkin bread and bits more realistic, while still keeping things all liquid and fluid in your tank or dripper. So please, do not sub it out, not leave it out, it def is an experience you need to try with the pumpkin flavors from Flavorah.

The Greek Yogurt is used here to make a difference between the creams and the pumpkin bits..

If you want it chilled, try 2-3 drops of ice in 30ml volumes.

Yes this one is a bit higher than normal, however for all the flavors in this to co-mingle and get happy, I did go a touch higher. You can try lower or higher, as your taste buds might not be like mine and your set up might not be what I am using. Please try all flavors out as a solo first to see where you assume you like them.

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#1 by Various Vapes, Aug 29. 2018, 20:24
#2 by SmokyBlue, Aug 29. 2018, 20:43
Thanks! Off to make another 4oz.. Mine is all gone :)
#3 by kiwivaper, Sep 22. 2018, 00:01
this is nom nom
#4 by gopher_byrd, Sep 22. 2018, 03:05
The spice is subtle and not overwhelming, but definitely there. The cream created by the yogurt and pudding for the latte part works so well without adding FLV Cream I'm amazed. If you didn't see the recipe you wouldn't know the Cantaloupe was even there. Everything works together to create the coffee shop experience without making the trip to the corner shop. Well done Smoky! This will be a seasonal fav in one of my squonkers!
#5 by gopher_byrd, Sep 24. 2018, 00:32
OMG! That bottle is empty already!? Time to make a big one! LOL This is really good Smoky!
#6 by SmokyBlue, Sep 24. 2018, 05:17
Thanks Gopher! :) haha
It is good to the last... drop!

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