FL Strawberry Fields 

Gravatar - by Mike Jones, Apr 15. 2019, 23:30


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

#1 by KyMojo, Apr 16. 2019, 14:38
Have you actually made this yet?
#2 by KyMojo, Apr 16. 2019, 15:01
I'm wondering what difference the taffy has on the flavor compared to the strawberry fields that I posted shortly before this that has the same basic taste profile other than the sb taffy. I might have had a basic idea of the taste, but unfortunately I have no idea what sb taffy tastes like even by itself!
#3 by Mike Jones, Apr 16. 2019, 16:32
i have made this and tried it off the shake. its alot of flavor im waiting a few days to test it again. funny i saw your strawberey fields after i made mine. if i had the flavors i would try yours it looks good. i have not tried the strawberry taffy by itsself. it has a more candy smell than a actual strawberry. i think it will make it more sweet.
#4 by KyMojo, Apr 16. 2019, 16:56
Other than one changed flavor you made the same thing and gave it the same name! I half expected it to be an adaptation. Lol Anyway, the mix doesn't need any steep time because it is all fruit flavors and has no creams. If anything it will lose flavor the more it sets and Steeps because the strawberry has nothing to bind to which causes that flavor to fade more quickly.
#5 by KyMojo, Apr 16. 2019, 17:21
Strawberry flavor is kind of hard for a lot of people to taste including myself, so adding 1% fuji apple makes the sb flavor really pop and have a solid taste of fresh, sweet Sb without any candy or apple taste at all!
#6 by Mike Jones, Apr 16. 2019, 18:47
ok. thanks thats all good to know! i have made strawberry icecreams that needed a little steep probibly because of the creams/custards i used. i have had that problem before that the flavor diminishes with time with certan flavors. that makes sence now.

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