SomeSortof VCT ADV v2 

Gravatar - by Hobbs DeVape, Jan 15. 2020, 00:18


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 30 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Vanilla Custard Tobacco VCT Version 2

A nutty toasted almond rich vanilla custard with a tobacco note.
Inspired by Ripe Vape VCT

By popular demand, the above is the full flavored Version 2 of that older one found here:
Liters have been consumed so far :)

also on ATF:

#1 by Henning, Jan 22. 2020, 07:53
Thanks for shering frind👍🏻💨
Can ill sub. TPA Toasted almond with the CAP Toasted almond?
If so, what % would you say fit?
Also. Ill would like to make a MTL version. Any changes here other than the VPG ofcourse?
#2 by Hobbs DeVape, Jan 22. 2020, 15:01
Hi @Henning,
I haven't tested my CAP Toasted Almond yet, but if I were to sub it, I'd try it @2%, for MTL those numbers should be fine, but for high nic pod, I'd up the flavors by 50% only after trying it as is first, generally 2 weeks steep will be enough to got a sense of the sample taste, but for my ADV quantities, I prefer a full proper month.
#3 by Henning, Jan 23. 2020, 16:21
Thanks Hobbs🙂Ill try CAP Almond at 2%👍🏻
Ill dont use High nic pod. Genereal ill use 5 mg nic for my MTL vape, so ill just regulate the VPG for now then. Thanks mate
#4 by Ahmed Nabil, Jan 23. 2020, 18:27
Although i have tried this in 60 ml first time , it did not last for long and i was sorry i didn't make more.

But i have one question what would u think of subbing the custard for premium custard.
#5 by Hobbs DeVape, Jan 24. 2020, 11:18
@Ahmed Nabil
FA Custard Premium might be too eggy here unless you use it very low as an accent, but by all means go for it and do try it with this brilliant custard. OTOH creamy goodness can also be achieved with TFA French Vanilla Deluxe 2%, also LB Vanilla Ice Cream, with/without some FLV Vanilla Pudding.
#6 by Mahmoud Ismael, Feb 3. 2020, 12:02
#7 by M.D, Mar 14. 2020, 00:15
@Hobbs DeVape
many thanks for all... & i have 2 question
1) i understand from your answer to Salsa for high nic pod let say 35mgr hit salt nic , should up the flavors by 50%.. you mean that AP goin to be 0.75% & RY4 6%, T.A 1.5%..ext ??
2) i don't like the RY4 can i change it? i have western tfa , 7 leaves Cuban supreme.. Tuscan reserve... desert ship or max blend
best regards Bro
#8 by Hobbs DeVape, Mar 31. 2020, 22:14
Hey @M.D, and sorry for the late reply, not getting notification from this site,
AP is best left alone and not upped above 0.5, after trying the original first and if you still feel it lacking with high nic, RY4 and Custard would be the first ones I'd boost.
Yes of course if you don't like RY4 swap away, but start low!
#9 by Faraan, Apr 6. 2020, 22:49
AP usually ends up overtaking all the other concentrates can I sub it with fw hazelnut? Or leave it out??
#10 by Faraan, Apr 6. 2020, 22:51
Also I have fa almond can it be subbed for toasted almond??
#11 by Hobbs DeVape, Apr 7. 2020, 11:18
Hi @Faraan,
Yes and Yes, sub away
but if I were you I'd try AP at 0.25% or even 0.15% first
AP & Toasted Almond & Marshmallow together impart "toastiness" that you will be missing.
#12 by Faraan, Apr 9. 2020, 22:09
Thanks for the help .. Much appreciated😊
#13 by Waleed, Jun 26. 2020, 16:25
Thank you hobbs for shiring i will try it but what do you think if vanilla Custard riched 7% and add bavarian Cream 4% Thank you
#14 by Hobbs DeVape, Jun 26. 2020, 19:29
No on Bavarian 4%
Yes on upping VCV1
#15 by SteamPunk, Sep 28. 2020, 21:02
Thank you for this, it is very close to the original. Maybe even a bit better!
#16 by mjma, Oct 3. 2020, 03:54
This is solid and really doesn't need much steep. I've been suggesting it in DIY groups when people ask for a desserty tobacco.

I like to add:
FLV Sweet and Smokey 0.5
FLV Bourbon 0.75
And if I'm feeling pretty, I'll drop RY4D to ~3% and add TFA Black Honey 1.5%.

I've read the original VCT uses 7 Leaves. If you wanna try that, you can drop RY4D to 3% and add 7L 0.75%. Make sure to steep the funk out, cos 7L is nasty off the shake.
#17 by KEN, Nov 17. 2020, 10:14
Delicious recipe!!
I always vanilla flavor felt to peper.
However,it's nice smoky and vanilla taste.
I like a lot this recipe.
thank you Hobbs!!

And I have a question.
If you need more rech vanilla taste.
Which one do you choose?
Or more vanilla custard?
#18 by Hobbs DeVape, Nov 17. 2020, 10:38
@SteamPunk You're Welcome!

@mjma Thank you. Your suggestions definitely worth trying

@mjma Thanks, for a rich vanilla I'd try from those 1% and see if any gives you pepper taste, as you said upping the VC will do that too, 7 or 8% VC total even. Also adding 1% FA Custard Premium will up the richness a notch.
- TFA French Vanilla Deluxe
- INW Shisha Vanilla
- FA Vanilla Bourbon
#19 by Bagoo, Aug 2. 2021, 20:08
Hi Hobbs , thank you for this recipe .
I want to ask you can I sub. The Vanilla custard ( cap ) by vanilla custard ( tfa ) and if it’s ok, the % will be the same or not??
#20 by Wojtek, Sep 23. 2021, 21:46
Hello Hobbs

I just tried your recipe after 9 days steeping, seems promising, hoping to have a bit stronger flavor after another 21 days. May i ask how can i boost the sweetness a notch?

PS keep in mind noobie here :) and this is my first mix
#21 by Hobbs DeVape, Sep 23. 2021, 22:00
Hey Wojtek, it will get better with time, you can also boost the tobacco flavor by upping RY4 to 6%
To sweeten it, you can add 0.5 to 1% CAP Super Sweet
You're no longer a noob once you/ve started mixing and vaping your own stuff, it can only get better from here, ask again if you need any help.
#22 by Wojtek, Sep 23. 2021, 22:17
Hobbs thanks a million for replying! Much appreciated man.
I only have TPA sweetener, you think i can use it instead? I'll definitely boost the Ry4 tomorrow morning and will let it steep for another 21 days. And I'm making sure to shake it daily for at least 2 minutes :)
#23 by Hobbs DeVape, Sep 23. 2021, 23:10
You're welcome Wojtek
No need to shake daily, once will do then let it settle in a dark drawer
Yes TFA Sweetener 1-2% will work to, up to higher later if you need & steep overnight.
Steeping time is not holy or unbreakable, whenever you taste a liquid and think you like it, it is good to go, and you might not feel the difference is worth the extra wait, but if you do rush, make sure to let some steep the full term to know how it tastes fully steeped.
#24 by Wojtek, Sep 24. 2021, 08:15
Thank you Hobbs!
#25 by Wojtek, Sep 26. 2021, 09:07
Hobbs does altering the vg/pg ratio affect the flavor?
#26 by Hobbs DeVape, Sep 26. 2021, 09:50
It more significantly alters the steeping time, more VG more time, but yes, it does affect flavor to a small degree, more PG slightly higher flavor, but switch base percentages away and experiment, you might not feel the difference.
#27 by Wojtek, Sep 26. 2021, 10:26
Thank you brother
#28 by Wojtek, Sep 29. 2021, 21:59
Jobs brother i just wanted to thank you for the recipe and help you provided me with! Well earned ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.
Mixed my second batch with 6% ry4 and 2% sweetener 😁

Will you recommend me some decent tobacco recipes that you like?
#29 by Hobbs DeVape, Oct 1. 2021, 01:41
Hi, you're welcome
this, but do get all the flavors, it is worth it
#30 by CloakedInSmoke, Oct 14. 2021, 08:07
Hello hobbs Hugely grateful for your ADV custard!!!! I didnt have almond so i added vanilla tahity and hoped the .5 ap pulls out the subtle almond notes in FA vallia tahity. Im looking for feedback as i am a relatviely newmixer do you think this may work?
#31 by CloakedInSmoke, Oct 14. 2021, 08:10
Oh also i do not have toasted marshmallow so had to sub Fa marshmallow. I will order more to try your original thanks again
#32 by Hobbs DeVape, Oct 14. 2021, 11:51
You're welcome CloakedInSmoke, good you're getting those flavors, they are cheap, essential and good to have for future recipes as well.
#33 by Pijaro, Dec 14. 2021, 21:18
Hello.. how much can i add nicotine strengh ? Cause i made with 30mg strenght sat-nic, the flavour began to sour.. Any advice?
#34 by Hobbs DeVape, Dec 14. 2021, 22:38
Hello Pijaro, this recipe was tested on low freebase nicotine, if you experience flavor fading at high nic, try Toasted Almond 1.5 and the RY4 at 6, as for souring, try tasting it before adding the nicotine to exclude a flavors or nicotine problem, otherwise not sure I have an answer except maybe it could be an issue with your vg pg base.
#35 by Pijaro, Dec 15. 2021, 00:26
Thank you Hobbs.. Your recipe awesome. VCT Ripes is my favorite flavour, and its best clone i've tried. But I still struggling to made into POD 50:50 with 30mg nic for my ADV.
#36 by Hobbs DeVape, Dec 15. 2021, 07:08
Hi, I wasn't trying to clone VCT, was just inspired by it to create this very simple combo, a proper mtl tank & much lower nicotine, rather than a pod is how you'll get the max flavor, on a pod you are right to stick to simple recipes. Good luck.
#37 by Kinzohatashy, Dec 15. 2021, 14:45
I don't have toasted marshmallow..can I use marshmallow TPA
#38 by Hobbs DeVape, Dec 15. 2021, 16:10
Sure @Kinzohatashy
#39 by Kinzohatashy, Dec 16. 2021, 00:44
I want to ask you can I sub. The Vanilla custard ( cap ) by INW Shisha Vanilla or TFA French Vanilla
#40 by Beginners theory, Dec 17. 2021, 12:37
I get an irony metallic taste im thinking it could be the toasted almond? Not sure i haven't SFT it, but otherwise its a good vape
#41 by Ashley, Dec 24. 2021, 01:27
I'm so sensitive to the toasted almond even at a .25% it is all I can taste
#42 by Hobbs DeVape, Dec 28. 2021, 08:30
Drop Toasted Almond all together @Ashley
you are not alone
#43 by Upshot, Sep 11. 2022, 00:03
So good right off the shake, but I'll let it steep for as long as I can. I'm a big fan of your ADV Custard by the way. Thanks very much.
#44 by Hobbs DeVape, Sep 11. 2022, 09:35
thanks @Upshot

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