Prairie Wind (FA) 

Gravatar - by bseej, Apr 12. 2016, 22:26


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

2 hour water bath @ 50 degrees celsius.

An FA only version of Prairie Wind. Not the same, but just as tasty. The Tuscan Reserve could increase to 2%.

As always, comments/suggestions are always welcome.

Adapted from this recipe

#1 by mat, Apr 12. 2016, 23:30
Looks damn tasty thanks.
#2 by scotdc, Jun 26. 2016, 23:26
Thank you for a most excellent recipe, bseej. I let this steep three weeks and I'm enjoying a most well-balanced vape. This has just the right amount of sweetness and I think the Tuscan Reserve is nice at 1%, it lends a nice smoky touch in the background. I will have to try your other version with RY4 D.
#3 by bseej, Jun 27. 2016, 04:28
Thanks scotdc. I am glad you enjoy it!
#4 by Seanrus, Mar 19. 2017, 03:19
This looks good going to bookmark it in the "Must try" folder Thanks

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