Gentleman's Custard 

Gravatar - by Ohm Society, May 26. 2016, 06:17


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Sorry ahead of time but this one does require a steep. Mix it up, shake it up, put it in that special place and forget about it. I promise it'll be well worth the wait. This is not intended to be an everyday vape as this recipe does contain mostly concerning flavours. Enjoy it on special occasions or once and a while. I have been aging 2 batches, 1 to test at monthly intervals and the other has yet to be opened. So far 6+ months and this vape is just incredible.

Gentleman's Custard

Creamy, rich butterscotch inhale, followed by a buttery, smooth vanilla custard exhale, with notes of tobacco, maple and brown sugar.

Pairs well with ales, stouts and dark beers, from complimenting sweet, earthy, and savoury flavours.


RY4 Double (TPA): One of the sweeter tobacco's flavours with notes of caramel and vanilla. It's slightly earthy, nutty, a tad smokey, and just a great mellow tobacco flavour. Can be a bit dry on the exhale but we can balance that out.

Butterscotch (FLV): Very spot on butterscotch taste, although it's not very creamy nor is it very sweet. The use of the additional caramel's add to the body and depth of the butterscotch profile. At 3% it's presence is unmistakable.

Brown Sugar (TPA): Used mainly for it's sweetness but also for it's similar compounds that help boost the existing caramel and butterscotch notes.

Vanilla Custard (CAP): I have tried using other custards, (FA, TPA, FLV) and although each were good, they just... well aren't CAP's vanilla custard. I have a hard time not resorting to using CAP's v1 but at least I gave it a shot. It's buttery, very rich, creamy, tasty and just works so well here. It's really the body, the backbone of this recipe, but can easily be swapped out for a different custard profile. Although, I don't suggest it.

Acetyl Pirazine (TPA): Is used to round out the tobacco and increase it's roasted and nutty profile.

Optional: Sweetener

#1 by Kela Liquids, May 28. 2016, 11:40
Mixed this yesterday, already smells delicious. How long would you steep this before testing, I assume something like 3-4 weeks?
#2 by Ohm Society, May 30. 2016, 15:57
It sure is a tasty one. You are correct, the longer the better.
#3 by Vape, Jul 30. 2016, 05:36
I swapped out Butterscotch FLV for FW, nonetheless after a month this is incredible. Hats off to you sir. I will be making a larger batch, see if can keep my hands off it for 6 months!
#4 by KGuardian, Dec 3. 2016, 03:22
Just wanted to drop you a line and say thanks for sharing the recipe. The latest batch I have is a month and a half old and it's freakin awesome.
#5 by Ohm Society, Dec 3. 2016, 23:51
Thank you guys for the compliments! Glad you all are enjoying the recipe :)
#6 by Dwhoneil, Jan 6. 2017, 21:04
Added a little bit of saline, erythritol and medicine flower butterscotch and its delicious!
#7 by KGuardian, Feb 3. 2017, 01:26
Hey @Ohm_Society, I just noticed that there's been a recent change to the % of RY4? It was set at 3% which is how I've mixed it several times, but now I see it is at 6%. I know it was at 3% because I have a screen capture from September 2016 that I took. I'm confused as you have no updated notes with the change...
#8 by Ohm Society, Feb 3. 2017, 01:46
I have been playing on and off with tinkering the recipe but to be honest between 3-6% does not change too much. Although at the moment I have been enjoying it at 6% so I decided to change it.
#9 by KGuardian, Feb 3. 2017, 04:03
Got it....thanks
#10 by Kebabzi, Feb 8. 2017, 16:33
I was at first hesitant on mixing this, but gave in. 1 month later, I was blown away by this juice. AWESOME JOB!

One issue I'm having is the gunking. How would you go about reducing gunking without drastic changes to the recipe? Maybe something else can be subbed in?
#11 by rojoh, Jul 15. 2017, 01:33
Richly sweet tobacco. Delicious after breakfast and in other occasions... Five stars!
#12 by twoambien, Jul 22. 2017, 03:25
I knew I would love this one. My first DIY, ordered all of this stuff. And I was right, just on shake-n-vape it's delicious!
#13 by Ohm Society, Jul 22. 2017, 10:58
I'm glad that my recipe is so well received and enjoyed by those who have tried it.

@Kebazi Thanks for holding out for that month before commenting because this recipe really shines with age However the coil gunking is the ying to the yang for this recipe. It is a compromise for the flavour profile that cannot be avoided Although, I don't find it as bad as other tobacco recipes or "premium" ejuices. The worst culprit is FLV Butterscotch, which can be subbed out for FW Butterscotch (Natural) or FW Butterscotch Ripple and it'll be a bit nicer on your coils.

@rojoh It's definitely quite rich but not over the top. I am the same and prefer it in the morning with a coffee or in evening with a strong or flavourful drink (whiskey or bourbon is real nice)

@twoambien If you can hold out a month or longer, it'll just keep getting better and better. This is a recipe that ages extremely well.
#14 by Geb, Aug 26. 2017, 20:33
Mixed on 8/3 and tasted 8/26. Very nice juice indeed. One of the better RY4 mixes I've tried. Would like the butterscotch a bit more prominent and will up that flavor a bit on my next mix. good in a dripper; much better in a kayfun. I have several juices in rotation so may put this one back on the steeping shelf to see how it tastes in another month or so. As a custard it's a solid 3/3.5. As an RY4 it's a solid 4.5/5 - much more rich than many of the popular RY4 mixes. thanks for sharing.
#15 by loopt, Sep 5. 2017, 22:20
Thanks for this delicious recipe. This is a perfect juice for a good mtl setup. I just finished my first batch at an age of 5 weeks. I bet it would have been even better after eight weeks but it's so hard to keep out of it.
#16 by cincinnatiking, Oct 30. 2017, 02:32
I don't know if you mind or not, but this guy is selling your recipe and many others as his own-
#17 by bluejay84, Jan 4. 2018, 20:53
I do not have brown sugar. can I sub it out with anything or how would it be without it?
#18 by Deebo, Apr 25. 2018, 16:55
Hello folks, i'm really interested with this recipe as this is my first ry4. What does the creator mean by "This is not intended to be an everyday vape as this recipe does contain mostly concerning flavours" ? Is it cause of diacetyl in Cap VC1 and AP?
#19 by Geb, Apr 25. 2018, 17:04
@Deebo - yes. see that little flag next to just about all the flavors? that means it has diacetyl etc. in the flavor. This is a very diacetyl heavy juice.
#20 by Deebo, Apr 25. 2018, 22:37
@Geb - I m vaping around 6 7 ml a day and not a chain vaper. is it safe to assume that as a former smoker for 17 years, i m taking safer amounts of diacetyl? (I smoked a pack a day) I'm asking if i can make this an adv. I know none can provide a straight answer to this, just wanted some gentlemens opinions on the matter.
#21 by Geb, Apr 25. 2018, 23:54
@Deebo - I smoked about 1/2 - 3/4 pack a day of methols for almost 30 years. I personally am not bothered by diacetyl in my juices. My ADV is a custard - I vape CAP VC V1 just about daily. As far as I can tell there is nothing in vape juice nearly as dangerous as cigarettes - and there is far less of it in vape juice. Cigs have hundreds (thousands?) of chemicals in them. Vape juice has 3 or 4 things in it: PG, VG, nicotine (for some people) and flavorings. You'd probably have to vape this juice by the gallon to see any appreciable negative effects. I can't say if it's ok for you to make this an ADV. I can say a similar juice is my ADV and I'm not bothered about in the least. Vape juice is less harmful than smoking, but it's not 100% safe. Between the two, I'll take vaping any day.

If you are really concerned about diacetyl (and again I'm not) you can make most juices diacetyl free by using "V2" flavorings. rather than the CAP VC V1 called for in this recipe you can use VC V2 and so on. hope this response helps.
#22 by Deebo, Apr 26. 2018, 10:14
@Geb - It was exactly what i was looking 4. You have my thoughts exactly, will vape this if its good to my pallet. I made a 330 ml of this. But after 1 day, its white on the surface donno why? its like beer foam almost any1 know why?
#23 by Geb, Apr 26. 2018, 13:13
@Deebo - two things: 1) NEVER make 330mls of a juice until you are certain you like it. Lot of recipes look great, you like the individual flavors in it etc. but for whatever reason you may not like the juice. 330mls is a lot of dump if it's not to you liking. I always start with a 30ml and if it goes well I move on to bigger bottles. 2) Lot's of juices are frothy after initial mix and shake. Most calm down and even out in a day or so. This juice has a long steep - at least a month - so plenty of time for it to even out.
#24 by Deebo, Apr 26. 2018, 13:29
330ml :) i have been making my own juice for about 6 months, first time i saw something like that foam appeared on top. Working pretty hefty hours so i dont have so much time. kinda risked it all for this recipe, hope all goes well. And ima steep it in my U.C. just to be faster. Its like 1h in UC equals a week (give or take) you prolly already know about it. Tomorrow will try the batch. Believe it or not i don't have 4 h free time for steeping in U.C.. Thx for all this Geb
#25 by Geb, Apr 26. 2018, 13:32
no problem. just as an fyi all the warm baths, UC and all that doesn't really do anything. there is no substitute for time. just leave in a dark cupboard for a month and then mix some some fruits or something that you can vape right away.
#26 by Deebo, Apr 26. 2018, 14:25
U.C. does help fasten the process tho, i may be mistaken but i myself tested it alot of times. İt changes the color as tho u steeped it for weeks, and the flavor profile changes completely. Maybe its placebo but the evidence was too much to deny. Have you tried UC in the past?
#27 by Deebo, Apr 26. 2018, 14:27
I highly recommend this for everyone want to know a bit much about U.C. steeping, sry Ohm Society for hijacking the post a bit.
#28 by Deebo, May 4. 2018, 15:29
Hello folks after 2 weeks of steeping, all i can taste is RY4. No other flavor, nothing... I accidently near-boil the juice while using Ultrasonic cleaner for 1 hour (60-70 C degrees give or take). Now it leaves behind a thick layer of cigarette like or dirt like flavor in my mouth after exhale. And no custard or butterscotch or vanilla flavor. Any ways to fix it?
#29 by Geb, May 4. 2018, 16:16
@Deebo - there is no way to "fix" your juice now. as I said you are better off just mixing this juice and putting it away for a month. All the UC and other speed tips just change the color. time is what steeps your juice. You can ignore that, but it is what it is. Any master mixer will tell "just let it steep in a dark place". period. Honestly I don't see what your rush is - if you have all the DIY supplies why not mix say 15 different juices; some you can vape now and some that you can put away to vape when they are ready? You probably should not mix tobacco or custard or RY4 flavors - those need time to develop. If you have to vape your juices right away you should stick to fruits.
#30 by Deebo, May 4. 2018, 16:32
Jeez mate calm yourself... i'm not vaping it, i tried it and it felt wrong. I presume you also taste the juices every week or every other week right?
#31 by Geb, May 4. 2018, 16:53
some people taste every week. I don't bother with that for my long steep juices. I try at 4 weeks and if it's good I vape it then otherwise I let it sit another two weeks and try it again later.

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