Bird's Custard 

Gravatar - by Kopel, Sep 13. 2016, 04:36


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

2 week steep minimum.

#1 by lola, Sep 13. 2016, 14:38
what does "oakwood " brings here Kopel ?
never uderstand how to use it ..
#2 by Lokes, Sep 16. 2016, 15:42
Interesting profile. Might have to grab the Lemon Sicily.
#3 by Battl3axe, Sep 16. 2016, 16:08
@lola, from my understanding, through discussions with Kopel, is Oak Wood can add some baked/earthy undertones when used in the correct amounts. I'll have to go mix this up when I get home tonight.
#4 by Kopel, Sep 16. 2016, 17:25
In this recipe, it adds a sort of woody, barrel aged type flavor. It's a touch on the dry side, but the other flavors more than make up for it here.
#5 by lola, Oct 2. 2016, 17:33
ok, I uderstand better now, the use of oakwood ,
will order it next time ,
thank you Battl3axe and Kopel .
#6 by Spyder, Oct 5. 2016, 19:28
Sounds interesting. I'll certainly be ordering what I'm missing when funds allow. Will get back to you when I know more.
#7 by cbvaper, Jul 4. 2017, 02:03
I rather enjoy this combination of complex flavours. Well done!!
#8 by Kopel, Jul 4. 2017, 05:27
Thank you sir!
#9 by Benoz, May 15. 2018, 11:44
just mixing it now will let you know in a few weeks
#10 by Benoz, Jun 1. 2018, 13:15
i am back and wow should have mixed 100ml lol its quite different flavour to what i have tried before but very enjoy able thanks for sharing

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