Vaper Abbreviations

This is a small list of abbreviations that are frequently used in the vaping community.

1O1 One on One
ADV All Day Vape
AFAIK As Far As I Know
AFS Auto Feed System
AIV Alice in Vapeland
AL Atmos Lab
AP Acetyl Pyrazine
AV Azure Vaping/Blue Mist
BH Bolsjehuset
BL Black Label
BM Azure Vaping/Blue Mist
BP Big Pharma / Blood Pressure
BSB Black Silver Bullet
BT Big Tobacco (The Tobacco Industry)
BTW By The Way
BWB Backwoods Brew
C9V Cloud 9 Vaping
CAP Capella Flavors
CCW Cupcake World
CFL Crystal Flavor Labs
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
COV Clouds of Vapor
CSC Chef's Super Concentrates
CT Chinese Tobacco
DFS DIY Flavor Shack
DIY Do It Yourself
DOA Dead On Arrival
DSV Dark Side Vapor
DV Decadent Vapours
ECX ecigExpress (Flavor Jungle)
EDV Every Day Vape
EGFD Ella’s Gourmet Flavor Drops
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ESS Essence Flavor Concentrates
EST E-smokeytreats
FA Flavour Art
FDA The US Food and Drug Administration
FE Flavors Express (Flavor Jungle)
FF Faeries Finest
FIN Faeries Finest
FJ Flavour Junkie
FLV Flavorah
FP Flavor Phoenix
FR Flavor Revolution
FSUSA FreedomSmokeUSA
FTFY Fixed That For You
FW Flavor West
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI For Your Information
GF German Flavours ( or vaperstek)
GG The GG!
GJ Gremlin Juice
GP Good Prophets
HC Health Cabin
HG Heaven Gifts
HK Halskrads (throat hit)
HS Hangsen
HV Heartland Vapes
IDK I Don't Know
IIRC If I Remember Correctly
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
IMO In My Opinion
INAWERA Inawera Flavours
INW Inawera Flavours
IOW In Other Words
JC Johnson Creek Smoke Juice
JF Jungle Flavors
JS JantyStick
KOL Kronisk Obstruktiv Lungesygdom (COPD)
LA LorAnn Flavors
LAN LorAnn Naturals Flavors
LB Liquid Barn
LF Liberty Flights
LMGTFY Let Me Google That For You
LNW Liquid Nicotine Wholesalers
LQA Liqua
LR Low Resistance
MB Molinberry
MBV Mt Baker Vapor
MF Medicine Flower
MFS My Freedom Smokes
NF Nature's Flavors
NM Nielsen Massey
NN Nude Nicotine
NR Nicotine River
NRT Nicotine Replacement Therapy
NV NicVape
NWF North West Flavors
OOO One on One
OTOH On The Other Hand
PA The Flavor/Perfumer's Apprentice
PAD Pack A Day
PCC Personal Charging Case
PEG Polyethylene Glycol 400
PF Pure Flavor
PFT På Forhånd Tak (Thanks In Advance)
PG Propylene Glycol
PGA Pure Grain Alcohol
PITA Pain In The Ass
PS PureSmoker
PT Passthrough
PV Personal Vaporizer
RF Real Flavors
SB Silver Bullet
SC Super Concentrated
SCE Silver Cloud Estates
SD Screwdriver
SM Seedman
SSA Sobucky Super Aromas
SnV Shake and vape
TA Tobacco Absolute
TBV The Broke Vaper
TD Tino d'Milano (Inawera)
TE Tobacco Express (Flavor Jungle)
TFA The Flavor/Perfumer's Apprentice
TFS The Flavour Smiths
TFW The Flavor Wizard
TH Throat Hit
TIA Thanks In Advance
TMI Too Much Information
TP Tasty Puff
TPA The Flavor/Perfumer's Apprentice
TW Totally Wicked e-Liquid
TWOJ Twoj Liquid
TY Thank You
TYVM Thank You Very Much
UG Urtegården
USP The United States Pharmacopeia
V4L Vapor4Life
VG Vegetable Glycerine
VTA Vape Train Australia
VW VapeWild
VZ VapingZone
VZ SC VapingZone Super Concentrated
W2V Want2Vape
WF Wonder Flavours
WG Wera Garden (Inawera)
WL Wizard Labs
WTF What The Fuck
WTH What The Hell
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
atty Atomizer
bat Battery
batt Battery
cart Cartridge
carto Cartomizer: Combined cartridge and atomizer
cartomizer Cartomizer: Combined cartridge and atomizer
j/k Just kidding
jj Just Joking
jk Just Kidding
mg Milligrams per milliliter
pwn Own
pwns Owns
thx Thanks

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