The number of recipes also include private recipes.

This list contain flavors that may break/crack/melt plastic tanks. It contains flavors suspected to contain diacetyl and other unhealthy ingredients such as oils and other non-water soluble ingredients. Also to some extent there are artificial colorings. Each type is marked differently. Do you know of flavorings that should be on this list? Contact me, and I will put them on!

637 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Dweeb Candy (SC) (WF) 633
Earl Grey Tea (TPA) 2171
Ecto Cooler Type (FW) 3275
Egg Nog (Cap) 778
Eggnog (FW) 371
Eggnog (LA) 190
Ella's Shortbread Biscuit 547
English Toffee (FW) 265
English Toffee (LA) 334
English Toffee (TPA) 4096
Erythritol 3429
Erythritol 10% 213
Erythritol 5% 500
Erythritol Natural Sweetener (Flavor Jungle) 1822
Espresso Coffee (Inawera) 159
Extreme Soda (MBV) 23
Flan (SC) (WF) 854
Flapper Pie (SC) (WF) 3649
Fluffy White Cake (SC) (WF) 4668
Fortuna Strike (Inawera) 143
Freckled Lemonade (MBV) 40
French Toast (Cap) (Discontinued) 989
French Vanilla (Cap) 61158
French Vanilla Deluxe (TPA) 17905
Fresh Coffee (Molinberry) 150

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