The number of recipes also include private recipes.

This list contain flavors that may break/crack/melt plastic tanks. It contains flavors suspected to contain diacetyl and other unhealthy ingredients such as oils and other non-water soluble ingredients. Also to some extent there are artificial colorings. Each type is marked differently. Do you know of flavorings that should be on this list? Contact me, and I will put them on!

637 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Molasses (SC) (WF) 825
Molasses (TPA) 998
Monk Fruit / Erythritol Blend 1
Monkey Fart (FW) 731
Moo Juice (MBV) 80
Moose Milk (FW) 975
MTS Vape Wizard (FA) 28975
Mystery Flavor (BCF) 103
Nanaimo Bar (SC) (WF) 912
Nectarine (TPA) 8770
New York Cheesecake (Cap) 129298
Nutella Type (FW) 821
Nutmeg Oil (LA) 35
Oatmeal and Cream (SC) (WF) 212
Ocean Breeze (MBV) 4
Orange (CCW) 8
Orange (Inawera) 1000
Orange (MBV) 8
Orange Brandy (LA) 20
Orange Cream (LA) 385
Orange Cream Bar (TPA) 1303
Orange Creamsicle (Cap) 3490
Orange Juice (WF) 1022
Orange Mango With Stevia (Cap) 1787
Orange Oil Natural (LA) 219

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