The number of recipes also include private recipes.

This list contain flavors that may break/crack/melt plastic tanks. It contains flavors suspected to contain diacetyl and other unhealthy ingredients such as oils and other non-water soluble ingredients. Also to some extent there are artificial colorings. Each type is marked differently. Do you know of flavorings that should be on this list? Contact me, and I will put them on!

637 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Cantaloupe (Flavorah) 3786
Cannoli Shell (SC) (WF) 790
Canadian Maple (LA) 116
Cake Batter Dip (FW) 17725
Cake Batter (Delosi) 215
Cake Batter (Cap) 50022
Cake (Yellow) (FW) 86823
Cafe Cream (FW) 131
Cafe Coffee (FW) 532
Butterscotch Ripple (FW) 37626
Butterscotch Cream Pie (WF) 3076
Butterscotch (TPA) 16414
Butterscotch (MBV) 48
Butterscotch (LA) 862
butterscotch (Health Cabin) 8
Butterscotch (FW) 19634
Butterscotch (Flavorah) 9692
Butterscotch (Delosi) 94
Buttercream Frosting (SC) (WF) 6008
Butter Toffee (FW) 1645
Butter Tart (SC) (WF) 484
Butter Rum (LA) 2671
Butter Pecan Pie (WF) 1765
Butter Pecan Pie (SC) (Real Flavors) 166
Butter (TPA) 17574

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