The number of recipes also include private recipes.

This list contain flavors that may break/crack/melt plastic tanks. It contains flavors suspected to contain diacetyl and other unhealthy ingredients such as oils and other non-water soluble ingredients. Also to some extent there are artificial colorings. Each type is marked differently. Do you know of flavorings that should be on this list? Contact me, and I will put them on!

97 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Chicken and Waffle (TPA) Discontinued 100
Cherry Blossom (TPA) 2638
Cheesecake (TPA) 13010
Caramel Cappuccino (TPA) 2332
Caramel Candy (TPA) 17012
Caramel (Original) (TPA) 58430
Butterscotch (TPA) 16414
Butter (TPA) 17576
Brown Sugar (TPA) 80165
Brown Sugar (DX) (TPA) 3733
Brandy (TPA) 1060
Boysenberry Deluxe (TPA) 1003
Boysenberry (TPA) 1937
Blueberry Candy (TPA) 13968
Blueberry (TPA) 4565
Bittersweet Chocolate (TPA) 1278
Berry (Crunch) Cereal (TPA) 58750
Bavarian Cream (TPA) 375029
Bananas Foster (TPA) 5930
Banana Cream (TPA) 71266
Apple (Tart Granny Smith) (TPA) 2713
Almond Amaretto (TPA) 1558

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