The number of recipes also include private recipes.

This list contain flavors that may break/crack/melt plastic tanks. It contains flavors suspected to contain diacetyl and other unhealthy ingredients such as oils and other non-water soluble ingredients. Also to some extent there are artificial colorings. Each type is marked differently. Do you know of flavorings that should be on this list? Contact me, and I will put them on!

637 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Yangmei Berry (SC) (WF) 229
Hibiscus Candy (SC) (WF) 228
Acai Berry (FW) 229
Banana Sweet Cream (ooo) 229
Purple Rain (Inawera) 229
Pecan (LA) 235
Cinnamon Roll (MBV) 119
Red White and Blue (FW) 244
Salt Water Taffy (LA) 246
Invalid name (LA) 255
English Toffee (FW) 256
Fruit Salad (WF) 256
Ginger Ale (FW) 260
Vanilla (LA) 261
Mojito (FW) 262
Panettone (FA) 264
Prickly Pear (FW) 278
Green Mango (EuroFlavor) 280
Citrus Fruit (WF) 289
Hawaiian Limeade (FW) 294
Bourbon (SC) (WF) 294
Tutti Frutti (LA) 295
Kiwi (Natural) (FW) 298
Cappuccino (SC) 301
Quince Jelly (SC) (WF) 293

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