The number of recipes also include private recipes.

765 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
(FW) 0
. (FW) Banana 7
.Kool Effects (Koolada) (FW) 0
1 Honeydew (FW) 3
10% menthol (FW) 5
1Cake (Yellow) (FW) 0
2. Cream fw tr 2
3. Cream fw tr 5
4. Cream flv (FW) 0
4. Cream fw tr 1
5. Cream flv (FW) 0
5. Cream fw tr 5
555 tobacco (fw) 11
56. Butter Pecan (FW) 0
Absinthe (FW) 750
Acai Berry (FW) 231
Almond Amaretto (FW) 133
Almond Roca (FW) 0
Almond Toffee Candy (FW) 143
Amaretto (FW) 360
American Tobacco USA Blend (FW) 848
Anise (FW) 418
Ankara Tobacco (FW) 66
Apple (Double) (FW) 3014
Apple (Red) (FW) 660

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