The number of recipes also include private recipes.

436 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Mojito (WF) 2
Molasses (SC) (WF) 825
Mora (Blackberry) (SC) (WF) 631
Mousse (Mango) (SC) (WF) 94
Nanaimo Bar (SC) (WF) 916
Nanaimo Bars (SC)(WF) 1
Nanaimo Bars (WF) 0
Natural Boysenberry Raspberry (WF) 0
Natural Caramel (salted) (WF) 8
Natural French Vanilla (Thick) (WF) 6
Natural Lemonade (WF) 2
Natural lime (WF) 5
Natural Mango (WF) 2
Natural Orange (Citrus Tangy) (WF) 0
natural orange citrus tangy (WF) 0
Natural Passionfruit (WF) 2
Natural Strawberry (Juicy) (WF) 2
Natural Thai Apple (WF) 0
Naturall French Vanilla (Thick) (WF) 0
Nisperos (Fruit) (SC) (WF) 98
Nougat (SC) (WF) 428
nt Taffy PNB (WF) 2
Nutmeg (SC) (WF) 42
Oatmeal and Cream (SC) (WF) 212
Oats and Cream Cookie (SC) (WF) 718

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