The number of recipes also include private recipes.

11974 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Keyf Mix Unicorn 1
Keyf Unicorn 17
KeyLime - Vapor Renu 28
KeyLime Vapor Renu 9
keylime- raw flavor 1
kh King George 1
kh orange 8
kh roberts orange 2
KHR Orange 2
KHR Orange Sweet 2
KHR Orange Sunkist 1
Kiez Plorre Smoking Bull 0
Kilgora 0
Kinako Soy (Flavorah) 576
King (Flavorah) 1
King George 1
Kings Castle Mordred one shot 0
Kings Custard (DIY or Die) (LB) 676
kinky corn 0
Kirsche (Avoria) 3
Kirsche (Flavor Labs) 2
Kirsche 12 flavor smoke 17
Kiwi (Bickford) 22
Kiwi (Central Vapors) 2

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