The number of recipes also include private recipes.

1151 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Vanila Cupcake (TPA) 6
vanila swirl (TPA) 2
Vanilin (TPA) 10
Vanill Swirl (TPA) 1
Vanilla ( bourbon) (TPA) 0
Vanilla (Bourbon) (TPA) 11
vanilla (TPA) 5
Vanilla 10 (TPA) 0
Vanilla bean (TPA) 8
Vanilla Bean Gelato (TPA) 27137
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (TPA) 187200
Vanilla Candy (TPA) 1
vanilla cream (TPA) 2
Vanilla Cupcake (DX) (TPA) 5401
Vanilla Cupcake (TPA) 26660
Vanilla Cupcake DX (TPA) 2
Vanilla Cupcake Flavor (TPA) 0
Vanilla Custard (TPA) 108056
Vanilla Custard II (TPA) 17130
vanilla gelato (TPA) 4
Vanilla ice bean gelato (TPA) 0
Vanilla swilr (TPA) 2
Vanilla swirl (flavor jungle) (TPA) 0
Vanilla Swirl (TPA) 243773
Vanilla twirl (TPA) 0

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