The number of recipes also include private recipes.

116782 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
ıfc çilek 1
ıfc fındık 1
ıfc kek 0
ıfc kurabiye 1
ınw blueberry 1
ınıcorn 1
ıo 1
ıo9999ugy 0
ıslandman 1
汽泡剂 0
沁香園烏龍 1
沁香園焦大麥 1
沁香園牛奶乳 1
沁香園甜草莓 1
沁香園甜橙 3
沁香園百香果 2
沁香園紅茶 3
沁香園紅蘋果 3
沁香園綠茶 1
沁香園芒果 4
沁香園鐵觀音 3
沁香園葡萄 1
沁香園藍莓 1
沁香園蛋奶 1
沁香園香蕉 1

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