The number of recipes also include private recipes.

123435 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Grapefruit (VG) (Real Flavors) 21
Grapefruit (TPA) 77
Grapefruit (TheFlavourSmiths) 1
Grapefruit (The Flavour Smiths)ah) 1
Grapefruit (TFS) 58
Grapefruit (TFM) 0
grapefruit (t&m) 1
Grapefruit (T 1
Grapefruit (SSA) 91
Grapefruit (SC) (WF) 44
Grapefruit (SC) (Real Flavors) 69
Grapefruit (SC) 0
Grapefruit (SA) 1
Grapefruit (Reka) 59
Grapefruit (Pure Flavour) 194
Grapefruit (Organic) (NF) 6
Grapefruit (Natural) (WF) 5
Grapefruit (MyF) 4
grapefruit (my flavor) 5
Grapefruit (Monkeynaut) 1
Grapefruit (Molinberry) 126
Grapefruit (MF) 89
Grapefruit (mal) 6
Grapefruit (Magical) 1
Grapefruit (LQW) 93

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