The number of recipes also include private recipes.

123111 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
French Vanilla (flavouris) 1
French Vanilla (Flavor World) 2
French Vanilla (Flavor Shack) 2
French Vanilla (Flavor Artists) 2
French Vanilla (Flavoblitz) 2
French vanilla (FF) 1
French Vanilla (FF Arg) 8
French Vanilla (ECBlend) 248
French Vanilla (DX) (TPA) 2776
French Vanilla (DIYFS) 479
French Vanilla (Delosi) 68
French vanilla (CV) 2
French Vanilla (Curt Georgi) 4
French Vanilla (CSC) (SC) (Nomz) 0
French Vanilla (CSC) 118
French Vanilla (Creme de Vape) 2
French Vanilla (Clyrolinx) 5
French Vanilla (Club House) 92
French Vanilla (Cloud Corporation) 5
French Vanilla (Chef's Vapour) 45
French Vanilla (Central Vapors) 38
French Vanilla (CCW) 25
French Vanilla (Cap) 61349
French Vanilla (C9V) 6
French Vanilla (Blue Mist) 2

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