The number of recipes also include private recipes.

122775 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
FB: Lucky 1
FB: Lady Luck 2
FB: #Seven #7 1
FB2007 Strawberry Candy 1
fb vanilla 1478m 1
FB Twister 1
Fb tunes 1
FB Tropical Typhoon 1
FB Supermanchee 1
FB Super Cold 5
FB RY4 3
FB Reserve 1
Fb pineberry 0
FB Mountain Honeydew 5
FB Krispie Treats 12
FB French Vanilla 0
fb egg and milk 1754 1
fb coke freeze 0
FB Blackcurrant Tunes 3
fb blackcurrant 087 1
fb apricot 1489 1
fb almond 1561 1
fb 22
Født Nøgen (Copsa) 1

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