The number of recipes also include private recipes.

1151 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Chocolate (TPA) 4129
Choco glazed donat (TPA) 0
choco (TPA) 1
chilli mango (TPA) 3
Chili Mango (TPA) 261
Chicken and Waffle (TPA) Discontinued 100
chesecake graham crust (TPA) 1
Chery Extract flavor (TPA) 0
Cherry Extract Flavoring (TPA) 0
Cherry Extract Flavor (TPA) 9
Cherry Extract (TPA) 4502
Cherry exctract (TPA) 0
Cherry Blossom (TPA) 2645
Cherry (TPA) 2
Cheesecke (TPA) 1
Cheesecakenewyork (TPA) 1
cheesecake(TPA) 0
Cheesecake gram crust (TPA) 1
Cheesecake Graham Crust (TPA) 6
Cheesecake (TPA) 13017
Cheesecake (Graham Crust) (TPA) 230758
Cheesecake (Graham Clear) (TPA) 0
Cheese cake GC (TPA) 1
cheese cake (TPA) 1

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