The number of recipes also include private recipes.

122722 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
A Little more COLA (HUNKY VAPE) 1
A Little more COLA 0
a l 1
A hxahc 1
A gecimet ahh 1
a flava 3
a F 0
A escolha 1
A eleccion 1
A deux doigts du bonheur (Solubarome) 0
A deux doigts du bonheur 1
A dessert ship 1
A cool summer mixology 36
A and w ml 1
a and w 1
A and L ultimane phoenix 0
A 044 1
A 274
?????? 1
?? 1
?* (Invalid Flavor Name) 136
>Super sweet 0
=蜂蜜 1
= 0
;l\ 0

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