The number of recipes also include private recipes.

779 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Sugary Cereal (Cap) 261
Sugar cookies (Cap) 3
Sugar Cookie v2 (Cap) 20460
Sugar Cookie v1 (Cap) 23
Sugar Cookie (Cap) 156680
sugar cooki (Cap) 1
sugar bisküvi (Cap) 1
Sug Cook (Cap) 1
Succulent Watermelon (Cap) 74
succulent strawberry (Cap) 0
strw ripe (Cap) 5
Strawberry Taffy (Cap) 9282
Strawberry Sisha (Cap) 3
Strawberry Shortcake (Cap) 1
Strawberry ripe (Cap) 2
strawberry Milkshake (Cap) 2
Strawberry lucious (Cap) 19
Strawberry Lemonade (Cap) 13
Strawberry Kiwi Fusion (Cap) 20
Strawberry Kiwi (Cap) 3
Strawberry Juicy (Cap) 1
Strawberry jam (Cap) 1
Strawberry creme (Cap) 1
Strawberry cream (Cap) 3
Strawberry Bubblegum (Cap) 190

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