The number of recipes also include private recipes.

933 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Dark Vapure (FA) 3841
Cornish Cream Tea (UK Blends) (FA) 689
MTS Vape Wizard (FA) 28659
Joker / Burlone (Pazzo) (FA) 2101
Pomegranate (FA) 6709
Zen Garden (FA) 732
Pandoro (FA) 1543
RY4 Nutzilla (UK Blends) (FA) 440
Mangosteen (FA) 1077
Cocoon (FA) 382
Marzipan (FA) 14238
Jasmine (Gelsomino) (FA) 1699
Anise (Anice, Aniseed) (FA) 8169
Rose (FA) 1151
Coffee, Espresso (Dark Bean, Caffe) (FA) 18854
Apple (FA) 1376
Apple (Stark) (FA) 3581
Pineapple (Kenyan Special) (FA) 164
Violet (FA) 759
Peanut (FA) 819
Cherry Menthol (UK Blends) (FA) 77
Chobaccy (UK Blends) (FA) 9
Black Touch (Licorice Plus) (FA) 2127
Nut Mix (FA) 6522
Virginia (FA) 6890

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