The number of recipes also include private recipes.

935 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Mandarin (Tanger) (FA) 16231
Orange (Arancia) (FA) 17150
Torrone (Nougat) (FA) 18401
Coffee, Espresso (Dark Bean, Caffe) (FA) 18853
Catalan Cream (FA) 21517
Watermelon (Red Summer) (FA) 22739
Vanilla Bourbon (Vaniglia) (FA) 23266
Strawberry Juicy (FA) 23836
Raspberry (Berryl) (FA) 24824
Butterscotch (FA) 26392
Blackcurrant (Ribes) (FA) 26638
Apple Pie (Torta Di Mele) (FA) 26891
Zeppola (FA) 27224
Peach, White (Pesca Bianca) (FA) 27785
Kiwi (FA) 27741
MTS Vape Wizard (FA) 28658
Madagascar (Vanilla Classic) (FA) 30031
Bilberry (Mirtillo) (FA) 30102
Pear (FA) 30472
Lime Tahity (Cold Pressed) (FA) 33847
Coconut (Coco, Cocco) (FA) 35328
Almond (Mandorla) (FA) 39679
Custard (Crema Pasticcera) (FA) 40179
Forest Fruit (Forest Mix) (FA) 40163
Custard Premium (FA) 43800

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