The number of recipes also include private recipes.

38 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Lucky Shot Blend (OSDIY) 0
Cinnamon Smoothie Blend (OSDIY) 0
Pink Lemonade Flavor (OSDIY) 1
Almond Vanilla (OSDIY) 2
Blue Note Blend (OSDIY) 4
Tobacco Blend (OSDIY) 18
Tropical Blend (OSDIY) 23
Licorice Torpedos Blend (OSDIY) 26
Sweet Southern Tea, (OSDIY) 29
Whiskey, Tennessee (OSDIY) 36
Chocolate Mint (OSDIY) 44
Blue Pom (OSDIY) 60
Chocolate Cream (OSDIY) 97
Caramel Mocha (OSDIY) 66
Margarita (OSDIY) 100
Cacti Cooler (OSDIY) 109
Cinnamon Smoothie (OSDIY) 126
Pumpkin Spice Cream (OSDIY) 136
Mexican Fried Ice Cream (OSDIY) 166
T/A Blend (OSDIY) 170
Wild Cherrylicious (OSDIY) 175
Blueberry (OSDIY) 202
Choco Yum-Cake (OSDIY) 224
Rootbeer, Olde Tyme (OSDIY) 235

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