The number of recipes also include private recipes.

180 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Pistachio (LA) 130
Brandy (LA) 125
Canadian Maple (LA) 116
Peppermint Oil (Natural) (LA) 112
Buttered Popcorn (LA) 95
Wintergreen (LA) 95
Cookies & Cream (LA) 91
Anise Oil (LA) 86
Sassafras (LA) 78
Spearmint Oil (LA) 76
Strawberry-Banana (LA) 74
Lemon Oil (LA) 74
Menthol Eucalyptus (LA) 71
Creamy Hazelnut (LA) 71
Red Licorice (LA) 65
Royal Raspberry (LA) 60
Coffee (Kona) (LA) 58
Pumpkin (LA) 55
Teaberry (LA) 54
Plum (LA) 53
Rum (LA) 52
Bourbon (LA) 48
Lime Oil (LA) 43
Tangerine Oil (LA) 43
Cherry (Washington) (LA) 39

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