The number of recipes also include private recipes.

569 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Orange (Juice) (OoO) 91
Pear (ooo) 10
Vanilla Cream (ooo) 42
Orange (Fresh) (OoO) 5
Sweet Tea (ooo) 97
Pumpkin Pie (ooo) 36
Chocolate (ooo) 89
Root Beer (OoO) 42
Whole Milk (ooo) 195
Barbecue (ooo) 24
Strawberry and Ice Cream, 50/50 Bar (OoO) 62
Cream Blend 1 (ooo) 54
Pumpkin Spice (ooo) 53
Cantaloupe (ooo) 10
Cactus Soda (OoO) 16
Pickle (OOO) 38
Cream De La Creme (ooo) 8
Butter Lemon (ooo) 10
Tangerine (ooo) 15
Pineapple Juice (OoO) 18
Cucumber (ooo) 40
White Tea (ooo) 29
Vanilla Ice Cream Blend I (ooo) 51
Parmesan Cheese (ooo) 19
Plum (ooo) 21

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