The number of recipes also include private recipes.

289 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Mother Energy (VTA) 18
Citrus Mate (VTA) 232
(VTA) 14
Pandan Leaf (VTA) 76
Anise (VTA) 5
Peanut (VTA) 142
Grape (VTA) 149
Red Dates (VTA) 419
Blackberry (VTA) 361
Peach Yogurt (VTA) 146
Paw Paw (VTA) 235
Vanilla Classic (VTA) 1306
Grapefruit (VTA) 312
Hard Crack Toffee (VTA) 916
Ginger Root (VTA) 464
Red Soft Candy (VTA) 244
Red Bean (VTA) 17
Lemonade (VTA) 432
Sweet Cream (VTA) 6158
Persian Lime (VTA) 1987
Toffee Ice Cream (VTA) 3889
Caffe Latte (VTA) 759
Thai Sticky Rice (VTA) 112
Yellow Passion (VTA) 1778
Shisha Mango (VTA) 2859

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