The number of recipes also include private recipes.

954 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Condensed Caramel Milk (OoO) 630
Caramel Popcorn and Peanuts (SC) (WF) 675
Milk and Caramel Cream (SSA) 687
Caramel Biscuit (SSA) 866
Caramel (Inawera) 888
Caramel (LA) 980
Salted Caramel (VTA) 1012
Melty Caramel (Molinberry) 1038
Creme Caramel (VTA) 1101
Caramel (MF) 1155
Caramel (Salted) (SC) (WF) 1876
Caramel Coffee with Sweet Milk (Purilum) 2252
Caramel Toffee (Hangsen) 2250
Caramel Cappuccino (TPA) 2330
Caramel* (Blank Entry or Unknown Brand) 2376
Caramel Cinnamon Roll (FW) 2401
Milky Caramel Fudge (SSA) 2552
Caramel Rice Crispy Treats (WF) 2732
Caramel v2 (Cap) 3707
Caramel Butter (WF) 7269
Caramel Candy (FW) 9036
Caramel (Original) (DX) (TPA) 9174
Caramel (Flavorah) 9579
Caramel (TPA) 11580
Caramel (Cap) 13172

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