The number of recipes also include private recipes.

677 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Guava (FW) 1463
Coconut Cream Pie (FW) 1438
Ruby Red Grapefruit (Natural) (FW) 1446
Honeydew (FW) 1407
Strawberry Shortcake (FW) 1402
Waffle Cone (FW) 1316
Pineapple (FW) 1307
Spearmint (Natural) (FW) 1290
Cherry Berry (FW) 1263
Yumberry (FW) 1175
White Grape (FW) 1138
Wild Cherry (FW) 1127
Pear (FW) 1125
Peanut Butter (FW) 1095
Strawberry Milkshake (FW) 1091
Toffee Dream Cream (FW) 1091
Black Cherry (FW) 1082
Pralines and Cream (FW) 1079
Tangerine (Natural) (FW) 1075
Coconut (FW) 1056
Rainbow Sherbet (FW) 1049
Cloud 9 (FW) 1045
Yogurt, Greek (FW) 1042
Pineapple (Natural) (FW) 1030
Orange Dream Bar (FW) 1025

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