The number of recipes also include private recipes.

1192 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Grape Juice (TPA) 23822
Grape Candy (TPA) 16599
Grapes (Inawera) 12551
Grape Soda (FW) 9465
Grape (Invalid or no brand name) 5544
Grape (Flavorah) 5055
Grapefruit (Cap) 4052
Grape (FW) 3403
Concord Grape (Stevia) (Cap) 3387
Grape, White (FA) 3143
Grapefruit (FA) 3097
Grape (Cap) 3087
Grape Concord (FA) 3042
Grapefruit (Inawera) 2130
Grape Soda (TPA) 1618
Grape (LA) 1569
White Grapefruit (Inawera) 1524
Ruby Red Grapefruit (Natural) (FW) 1446
White Grape (FW) 1138
Grapeberry Ice (FW) 905
Grape Candy (Sour) (SC) (WF) 719
Grape (SC) (Real Flavors) 674
Grape Juice (SC) (WF) 652
Fantasy Grape (Molinberry) 521
Fanta Grape (RAW) 459

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