The number of recipes also include private recipes.

1102 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Raspberry, Sweet (TPA) 82981
Raspberry (Malina) (Inawera) 43373
Raspberry (Berryl) (FA) 24799
Raspberry (TPA) 16462
Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy (Cap) 15836
Raspberry (Cap) 13048
Blue Raspberry (LB) 10025
Raspberry v2 (Cap) 8383
Blue Raspberry (FW) 7732
Sour Blue Raspberry Candy (WF) 7453
Shisha Raspberry (Inawera) 6850
Blue Raspberry Slush (OSDIY) 6455
Blue Raspberry (TPA) 4673
Raspberry * (Invalid flavor name or brand) 3521
Raspberry Syrup (SSA) 3427
Raspberry (FW) 3247
Raspberry (Flavorah) 3184
Boysenberry Raspberry (SC) (WF) 2888
Raspberry Jam (VTA) 2740
Raspberry (LA) 2647
Red Raspberry (Flavorah) 2273
Blue Raspberry (Candy) (OoO) 1926
Pink Raspberry (Molinberry) 1097
Wild Raspberry (MF) 1026
Raspberry (Purilum) 998

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