The number of recipes also include private recipes.

653 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Chamallo (SolubArome) 52
Raisin Rouge Solub 52
Solub Chasseur de Primes 50
Ripe Banana (SolubArome) 50
Brainstorm (Solubarome) 48
Lime Cream (Solubarome) 49
Vanilla Bourbon (Solubarome) 47
tarte tatin (solubarome) 48
Tabac FR4 (SolubArome) 47
Eucalyptus (Solub Arome) 47
Noisette Fraiche (SolubArome) 47
Kenyan Coffee (Solub Arome) 46
Mint ice cream (Solubarome) 45
Fred Master v1 (SolubArome) 45
Suicide Bunny (SolubArome) 43
Caramel Bonbon (Solubarome) 43
Italian yellow Lemon Solub Arome 43
Pain Grille (SolubArome) 44
Nuage Caramelique (Solubarome) 42
Kiss Cool (Solubarome) 40
Snake V1 (SolubArome) 40
Watermelon (Pasteque) (Solubarome) 40
Tiramisu (Solub Arome) 39
Apricot (SolubArome) 38
Orange Cream (solubarome) 39

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