The number of recipes also include private recipes.

114203 flavors
Flavor Recipes Rating
Blackcurrant (VS) 73
Absinthe (dark star) 5
Hindbær (in) 3
Banana (FPS) 3
Royal Tobacco 2
Caramel (WL) 4
Flagermus Rød 1
kickapoo 0
PR-4 (Mr. Motard) 2
blowpop 1
Think EM 5
Hazır aroma 1
Tiramisu - The Vape Mall 2
Хлеб 1
Tito IceBreeze 5
babilla shihsa 1
sm ooth 1
kh King George 1
silky velvet AF 10
Wintergreen v2 KH 1
Egzantrik 1
Sucralose (RAW) (Powder) 3
Mixed Berries (GD) 1
Miss almond (EXTRADIY) 2
pomegranate (AT) 1

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