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Recipes: 8698
Recipe Author Time Rating
Sweet Loko Gravatar Kiev Mar 2. 2015, 16:11 (0)
Cream Choc Gravatar Kiev Mar 2. 2015, 16:10 (0)
T's Chocolate Orange Cream Gravatar TZ Mar 2. 2015, 09:29 (1)
The Camo Gravatar Alisa Mar 2. 2015, 05:22 (3)
Peanut Butter Cup Gravatar BigSlick Feb 27. 2015, 03:20 (0)
Apache - Cocoa 1L Gravatar Jose Vega Feb 25. 2015, 12:03 (0)
Banana Split Gravatar Aaron_Don Feb 24. 2015, 04:26 (0)
555 Ry4 Smoked Cacau Gravatar Felipe H Feb 23. 2015, 21:06 (0)
white peach Gravatar quitter Feb 21. 2015, 10:47 (1)
RazzMaTazz Cream Gravatar VaporDan Feb 18. 2015, 18:09 (0)
RazChocoCustanut Gravatar VaporDan Feb 18. 2015, 18:01 (0)
Brandy Alexandra Gravatar Tehdeftz Feb 18. 2015, 11:39 (4)
Raspberry Caramel Chocolate Gravatar tleone Feb 18. 2015, 07:13 (0)
Caramel Brownie Gravatar Seanchai Feb 17. 2015, 10:30 (0)
Arnie Presents The e-Juice Fairy's Chocolate Macaroon Layered Cake Gravatar Arnie Feb 16. 2015, 10:19 (1)
Crazy cowboy Gravatar serfergr Feb 15. 2015, 11:43 (0)
Arnie's Double Deuce Gravatar Arnie Feb 14. 2015, 04:54 (1)
Pa's White Chocolate Dipped Strawberries v1 Gravatar Pa Kilter Feb 12. 2015, 02:43 (0)
reese's peanutbutter cups!! Gravatar Nosaj Feb 12. 2015, 01:54 (0)
Chobacca Gravatar Zib Feb 11. 2015, 08:32 (1)
Almond JOY Gravatar MrWolverine Feb 10. 2015, 06:09 (2)
Chocolate Covered Strawberry Gravatar Shainghia78 Feb 7. 2015, 04:51 (2)
Almond choc/coconut Gravatar Highcountry Feb 6. 2015, 21:49 (1)
Coklat Abang Abang Gravatar VaporEmbassy Feb 5. 2015, 16:46 (0)
chocolate pudding Gravatar TheDougen Feb 4. 2015, 03:35 (1)

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